Hey family!!!! How is everyone doing? I hope that all is well and it sounds like everyone is doing just great! So this week was pretty crazy! It truly passed by so fast I really don’t even know where to start!
So as all of you guys know last week we worked super hard for the 4 days that we were together and we invited all the people we talked to go to church and to learn and feel His spirit there…
This week, like last week, we worked our very hardest… we walked and knocked and taught and bore our testimony with all our heart every day, all day long! We made a goal that we would have 8 people in Sacrament meeting and that we would teach 35 lessons this week and that we would talk with 85 people each for the whole week…. So we went and we worked with all the strength we had! We seriously worked so hard that we both got back into our house just dead and when we both laid down we just passed out hahahah. But we made a promises that if we did that we would get up and be ready, recuperated with strength, with the spirit of the Lord and that’s exactly what happened… we ended up teaching 40 lessons and talking with about 100 people… and working until 9:30 practically every night.
We invited about 14 people to go to church and statistically, more then a half of the people that you invite to go to church end up not going for a lot of different reason… so we thought that we were going to reach that goal of 8…. So we set out yesterday morning at 6:30 in the morning walking to the very corner of our area to pick up a family and they decided that they didn’t want to go…so that was four down…. Then we passed by another house where we combined to go pick up another family and they decided that they wanted to sleep… so that was another 3 that decided not to go…. So that was already minus 7… we were thinking … “puxa vida o que estamos fazendo errado.….” but we really did give our best…
And as we were walking down the street one young man that we didn’t even combine with to go church runs out of his house and says can you wait for five minutes he wanted to go… so we waited… then came out 2 more girls that we were teaching so we though well at least we will have three.
So we get to church with these investigators and slowly but surely the Lord just blessed us with bring to church 5 more of our investigators…they come slowly and not when we called them to come but they came!! The Lord really does bless us when we give our best and when we work our hardest!!! I know that it was the Lord that helped us achieve this goal that we wanted so bad! And I know it’s through our diligence and our obedience, along with working we could be blessed in this form!
This week was always pretty crazy because one night rained like none other here…. And I mean non other…. Hahahaha and guess where we were… in the road, hahahah ya just one more day be sopping wet from head to toe. What a blessing huh!!! Hahahaha it truly was so bad! And we woke up early that morning to a phone call that said that the casa of some of the members were flooded with water up to their waist… so we went running and we carried out all of the furniture and stuff so that was pretty fun!!! By the morning it was sunny though….
I know that this letter is going to be pretty short but I just wanted to say that I know that the Lord blesses us when we are doing His will! I have no doubt about it! In whatever case it may be… in work, in the family, in studying, on the mission, or in life in general! If we seek for the kingdom of God before all things, the blessings of the Lord will come behind us! I have seen this and I know it to be true!!! I’m so grateful for my loving Heavenly Father and for everything that He has granted me in my life and on the mission! I know that I am teaching the truth that was restored though the boy prophet Joseph Smith! And I'm so grateful to share it with everyone!!! This is truly what makes me feel so happy and the love of my Heavenly Father!
Love you all!!!
Elder Wiscomb