"Playing soccer today...I am so tired."

Week 78 January 31, 2011
Hello family! How are all of you guys doing on this last day in January can you guys believe it... I can't…. We are almost in the second month of the year… crazy huh…but I hope that you guys are staying all warm and that you all had a fabulous week this last week.
So this week passed by sooo fast and it was quite an amazing week for our work! We have been working sooooooo hard and we are finally starting to see the fruits of our work… our president said that by the 4 week when you start finding new people again you will start seeing the results of your work and it's true. So this week where do I start… let's start with the activity that we did…
So on Wednesday we did an activity in the church and it was pretty fun!! It was to start at 7 at night and around 6 :45 started one of the biggest rainstorms that I have ever seen…. So we started to think great there goes our activity…. But we had already planned everything we hid about 100 peaces of chocolate in the church and we were going to do an activity on the liahona (the compass that was given to Lehi from God to guide them through the desert) but for those that have read this part, the compass worked according to the Faith and obedience that the family of Lehi had, and the compass would lead them to the promises land.
So we decided to use this story and to create it into an activity…. So we hid 100 peaces of chocolate in the church and we said that they can run around looking for the chocolate but every minute (on the dot) we would give a clue that would help them find the BIG PRIZE, which would be the promise land in the story…. So they had to have faith that they would be able to find it and that it would be better then little pieces of chocolate and they had to have obedience because we said it every minute and the clue we gave was 3 seconds long.
So like I was saying it rained and we were pretty sad… thinking that no one would come but we decided to do a prayer and about 7:30 came 20 to 25 people all soaking wet and ready for a great activity and they loved it!!!
But you know that the activity showed us something that is sooo true…. And this is what we passed to the people there… most of the people there were sooooo worried about trying to find the little chocolates or in other words… people in our days are so blind with the worldly objects and we lose focus of the whole picture and purpose of our life which is to prepare to return with our father in heaven!!! In this activity we missionaries were the liahona (the compass) and we gave the clues but sadly only 2 out of the 25 people had faith and obedient and heard the clues that we gave to find the bigger prize!!!
Just remember that the things of the world don’t compare with the blessing that the Lord is able to give to each person here on earth! We need to be lead by the Holy Spirit in our life and the only way to do that is to give our heart to the lord and listen acting in faith and obedience!
This week we also had an amazing experience with one of or investigators with the name of Fatima! Let me tell you a little about this women. She is an aunt of a woman that is in the church here (our neighbor Graciela) and this woman Fatimia she is known in her family to have a weak spirit. But let me explain a little bit more….
This was a reference and we visited her the first day I got here… so we went there and we thought it was just a normal person with 2 sons and is separated from her husband. We have been teaching her and it was going so well and 2 Sundays ago she was soooo excited to go to church and when we went to go get her 2 weeks ago she came to the door and it looked like she was soooo tired and that she didn’t have any force left her in our body. It was quite frightening to be honest… and Elder Ball and I, we started to think what happened…. She was soo excited and then something happen….
So that night we passed by the house of Grasiela (her niece) and we talked with her and she said that she was praying that we would pass by there and we went…. But why?… because this Fatima women has history of being over powered by the evil sprit… to be honest I was a little frighten. Grasiela was telling us that it had not happened for about 2 years and then we started to visit her 3 and a half weeks ago the evil spirit started to take power of her body again… and that Saturday night before church it happened… she said that the evil spirit was literally throwing her on the ground and she was dragging herself on the ground and stuff… and Grasiela thought that we needed to known that…
So Elder Ball and I went home and we thought about this situation and how we could help her and we prepared a lesson where we would show the purpose of the 70 in Lucas which is to bless the lives of others, and we decided that we would go there and bless her house and give a priesthood blessing to her.
So this last Saturday we went there planning to do this and it was one of the most spiritual lessons I have ever taught… we got there and she seemed pretty mad… she told us that she didn’t want us to pass by any more and stuff and she was really cold. But we just said ok and stuff, and after she vented out everything we asked if we could leave the last message with her and it was the one we planed. We explained our purpose as missionary and explain about the priesthood authority and power we have to act in the name of God here on earth to bless others, we asked if we could bless her house and her. We did this without her knowing that we knew anything about the evil having power in her life. But when we said that something amazing happened…
After we asked her she opened up completely with me and Elder Ball and told us everything… how Satin enters her body often and its because 5 years ago when she separated from her husband, the women of her x husband cursed her and now she sees a dark cloud over her head sometimes (I don’t want you all to think that this is crazy because its soo true. Satan is strong and is willing to take over our body if we are weak or if we allow him to.)
Anyway we listened and after we started by blessing the house which Elder Ball did and the sprit just enter that room and in the house in a way that I'm not able to explain
Then I followed by giving her a priesthood blessing and this tingle sensation just overpowered us both. We both after that message said that we haven’t ever felt like that before. At the end of the Blessing we testified that if she read the Book of Mormon and if she would go to church, she would have any space in her body for the evil one to enter… and she said that she would go to church the following day!
So we went and got her Sunday morning and she loved church!!! But then again there isn’t a way to not love church!!! The sprit of the Lord is sooo strong it’s amazing!!!!
My time is up but I just want you all to know that the Lord love each and every one of us and is waiting for us to follow Him! He is waiting day and night with His arms spread wide open calling our names! There is no doubt in my mind that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day-Saints is the kingdom of God here on Earth and there is noooo place in our lives for the evil o consume when we are following the words of our leaders and the prophet that we have here on earth! I know that the evil is strong, but I testify to you all who read this that the Lord is Strong and unlike the evil one, GOD WILL NEVER LEAD US USTRAY!
I love you all
Have a wonderful week
Love Elder Wiscomb