Monday, March 22, 2010

Week 32 March 22, 2010

Hello family!!! Gosh I just want to say thanks so much for all your guy’s letters they are greatly appreciated! I love hearing from all of you and to hear that all is good back in Salt Lake City!

So where to start! I can’t believe another week has already passes. It feels like yesterday that I was typing to you guys! So I don’t even know where to start, this is the last week in this transfer… six weeks has already passes. Crazy huh!!! Chances are, I'm about 99 percent sure that I'm gong to stay here in Sao Gabriel for the next transfer. Which is ok. I’m getting used to it here, which is nice…

But where to start with this week, it was a little different! For some reason it was a really, really hard week with the work. Most of the days our appointments fell and we got cut by a family that we were teaching, which is super sad! So with the work it was pretty difficult but we did have a couple of things that happened that were pretty cool and fun.

This week we had a family night that was pretty fun and we also had a talent show! This talent show was more like party in the chapel! But it was a good time. We had people singing and telling jokes and doing skits and we even had a mom that’s like 50 dance to about 4 songs that were sooo funny! It was seriously a mom version of napoleon dynamite…. I was seriously dying in my seat. I tried to send the video but it wasn’t allowing me… I will try again… but that was a night that was pretty fun!

This week I have been thinking a lot about conference that is going to happen here in the next couple weeks… and I’m so excited! And in preparation I felt like I should read the conference talks from last conference! Some of these talks that were given by the prophet and the apostles were absolutely amazing! I can’t help but feel the spirit sooo strongly and bearing testimony to me that the things I am reading are true! There are a couple, in particular, that I absolutely loved, one is the talk by President Uchdorf. - The love of God… which talks about the love that we need to have for God and how we can turn to be true disciples of Christ! Which is really why we are here on Earth, “prepare to meet God!” And the way we do that is following and become his disciples! And the other that I loved was the talk by Boyd K. Packer. The talk is called- prayer and promptings…

Actually I gave a talk in sacrament meeting yesterday on the talk by President Uchdorf… and how we need to be true disciples of God and the way we do is by following the 2 greatest commandments of God! Which we read in the Bible, which is love God and love thy neighbor! If we do these things we are fulfilling all on both sides of the veil! Just think about if we love God we will do the things that he tells us to do! We will search for his guidance in our life and will always have it because when we really search and want his presence he will always be with us, and then on the other side with loving our neighbors we will want to share the happiness and the knowledge that we have with them and will invite them to have the same! We will be just like Christ, which is the perfect example in our life!! It's such a blessing to have the words of the leaders of the church and once again in a few short weeks we are going to have the privilege to here them again!

So prepare everyone for this special time that happens every six months!! Write down questions and be ready and to hear what our God wants us to hear that will be passed through these leaders! There is no doubt in my mind that every single thing we will hear is going to be inspired by God!!

I love you guys so much!!!! You guys are all so amazing! I can feel your love through your letters and prays and I am always hoping that you can feel mine!!! Everyone have such a great week! One last thought and scriptures………

I would like to share one more thing about the other talk I read of Boyd K. Packer! Really this talk said something that I loved so much about prayer! I was reading in D&C 31:12 and I found a scripture that said that we need to pray always to resist temptation and gain the “reward”…. This reward could be anything… could be happiness on this earth and the next… could be something in a certain moment or could be, you helping someone else through your own prays!! I was thinking and pondering the “reward” part about this scripture and I came to the conclusion, which was a lot simpler then I was thinking ha-ha. That reward part means “anything we ask for…” we pray for many things but God will only answer and help if we ask. We need to ask… Boyd K. Packer said…

“Learn to pray. Pray often. Pray on in your mind, in your heart.

Pray on your knees. Prayer is your personal key to heaven.

The lock is on your side of the veil.”


Love you all and have a good week!

Elder Wiscomb

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