Aló família!! I’m sure that all of you guys are sooo excited to hear from me this week and I'm sure that you guys are all liking the cold once again! Ha-ha! I hope that everyone got home safe from your trips and you guys are all doing great, and thanks so much for all your emails!
Well a lot of things have happened this week in the office so I’ll get to it right away. We had to prepare everything for zone conferences which was really difficult and then we have it this week too so we have to start all over again. But this week is our zone conference so it should be amazing! Also Sister Myrahh is pretty funny, she took every one of us in the office, which would be 6 to the doctors to get looked at so that was pretty cool. Hope everything is fine with everyone hahaha I’ll guess we will find out soon!
And then for the field!!!....
Family something amazing has happened here in Santa Maria! This week I saw for one more time in my mission a miracle happen! We are teaching a man by the name of Juliano, and he is a man super strong! A man that has a family with a girlfriend and 3 little ones but he is someone that is really seeking the truth! As you guys recall I got here about 3 weeks ago and this man is someone who the other elders contacted just one time a Saturday night and the next Sunday we took himself and his entire family to church! And apparently he loved it but his wife didn’t because their kids were really tired and hungry and they didn’t get home until 12 and she said that it just wouldn’t work…. So they stopped passing by there for about 3 weeks…
Then I came and we were walking on their street and at the same time Elder Jones and I, we both got the same feeling that we needed to knock on that door…. I didn’t even know who lived there but he did and he said, “we have already taught there and they went to church and they didn’t want anything else, but if you want to knock there elder go ahead, so I did…” long story short it wasn’t anything big but he came out and he seemed like a nice guy. Came out and shook our hands and asked if we could give his mom a blessing because she is sick, so we marked a day to do that about 2 days later and we went back, but it didn’t work because he got called to work at the last moment… so we marked another day and we went back but it didn’t work. And his house is far… I mean really far. So I was kind of frustrated and we went back and he said that his mom has gotten better but you can come in… so we went in and we taught a little part of the restoration to him… this was the Friday before fast Sunday just a little bit ago… and the lesson was horrible… the wife didn’t like us. And the little kids were screaming and he (Juliano) he talked sooooo much about stories of seeing the devil… sooo I was kind of frustrated with that lesson and we went home. We didn’t even mark a next visit… but long story short we got a call on Saturday night from him last week, asking when and where the bus would pass by and he said he would like to go to church… so we told him and not thinking much because this happens sometimes… well he showed up in church by himself and he seemed like he liked it and then just this last Wednesday he called us and said to set another appointment so we went that night. We went to his house and something that I never would expect left his mouth…. He said you know what. I have been to your church 2 times now, both of them have been that testimony meeting… I’m just sitting there praying that he isn’t going to cut us because this man is amazing! And he said the next thing… and I am soo grateful for that because everything that was said in that testimony meeting, I felt was directed directly at me… he continue to say that he sat there in the meeting just praying. Asking God to show him that this church was true and he said that every question he asked to God was answered through the testimonies of the members!
Wow how amazing was that!! I sat there with Goosebumps I have never heard anyone that expresses his feeling like that to two young men that he doesn’t really even know… it was moment in my life I will never forget because I saw the change in him, in his girlfriend and his family and he said you can count on it that I will go to the next Sunday and the Sunday after that and the Sunday after that! And he wants to get baptized but there is that little marriage thing that’s holding them back but I think that they are going to get married too! They want to its just the matter of doing it now! So that was my experience for the week!
But I just want to say how much I love everyone of you guys, and how funny were those photos!! Oh man you guys haven’t changed at all and you guys look like you had so much fun! I’m so happy for you guys! I love you guys with all my heart!
And just a little note about grandma!! So I have been told about what’s going on and to be honest I’m shocked but everyone is saying that she is happy and that is all that matters! I really hope that these tests go well and I would like to know everything about whets going on! Please don’ t keep anything from me ok! Thanks!
I know this Church is true and I know that our life here on earth isn’t the end! We just need to do our best and make the best out of every second because as we know, time is short and it goes fast, so make the best out of this precious thing we have!
I love you guys and have a great dinner tomorrow night!! I’ll be there in my prayers and in my spirit!!! Just look to the sky and I’ll be there!!! I love you all so much!! Big hug and kiss for everyone!!
Elder Wiscomb
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