Hello family!!! So how is everything doing on this fabulous winter day in Salt Lake City? So first thing first…. MERRY CHRISTMAS! It is hard to believe that we are entering the week of Christmas… it feels about the same as any other week on the mission… and it sure doesn’t feel like I will be talking with you guys here on the phone in about 7 days…. But I am so excited to hear all your voices again and talk to you guys! I hope that everyone has a bunch of questions and you guys are making a big list of stuff you want to know about!!
So this whole week has been a little strange… well to be honest this transfer has been a little strange… so week one in this transfer I found out that I would be training in the office, and that someone else would come and I would be able to leave the office at about 4 in the afternoon and it was a great week… then came week 3….. And we had a problem… a missionary went home and left a threesome in our area so president decided to take the comp that was with me and put him in the area with the threesome and made two companionships there… so this last week I came back to the office again… but the new secretary was needing a little bit more help with figuring out all the stuff here so it might have been a good thing… but during that one week we found some good families and stuff who are progressing and they should be baptized before I leave this area, so that will be a blessing!
This week also we had zone conference were we had one of the most amazing trainings from our president that I have had in the mission! We talked about the atonement of Jesus Christ and how it needs to be the center of our teaching! I learned so much! I feel so grateful for the atonement that was done for all of us! Through the Atonement, I know that our Savior, Jesus Christ, knows each one of us on a personal level!
I have thought through this thoroughly these past couple weeks and days… this is what I come down to...
I’m thinking in Portuguese and I hope it comes down to the same meaning in English….
So in our pre-mortal lives we were presented a plan (the plan of salvation) which our Heavenly Father created for us, so that one day all of us would have a chance to gain a body and have experiences here on Earth, so that one day we could accept God and show Him that we want to return and live with Him one day. In the pre mortal life our Heavenly Father already showed us the plan and what would happen and how it would be. At the beginning of this plan, our Heavenly Father knew that there would have to be a Savior provided and when He said this, the scriptures tell us that 2 people presented themselves to be our Savior. One whose name was Lucifer, and the other one was Jesus. Lucifer said that he would go down and save everyone, but we wanted all the glory of God to be his, for doing this! And Jesus said that we would go down and do the will of God! As we know our Heavenly Father chose Jesus to be our Savior and then there was a big battle in Heaven where 1/3 of our brothers and sisters decided to follow Lucifer and they were cast out of heaven and sent down to hell, never having the chance to return and live with God and have the opportunity we have to obtain a body and experience life here on earth!
So, God started this plan with Adam and Eve and gave them two commandments to not eat of the forbidden fruit and to multiply and replenish the Earth with children. We all knew that they transgressed a law menor to complete a law maior. Or in other world they ate the fruit so that we would have a change to come here, but when they did that they surely would die like the scriptures say. When they ate, two things entered the world the spiritual death and physical death. Which means, that these two things would make it literally imposable to return and live with our Father in Heaven again. But good thing that our Heavenly Father already knew that this was going to happen, which it says in 2 Nephi 25: 24 (if you could read a little bit in 2 Nephi 25!! It’s amazing) anyway back to where I was… the spiritual death and the physical death. Which are our sins and death. That is why our Heavenly Father called Jesus to be our Savior to come here and save us from these two deaths.
Jesus is one of my heroes. Learning and imagining about His life has been such a blessing in my life. Jesus, our Savior, the only perfect human being that lived in the flesh, the only begotten Son of our Father in Heaven, never had it easy. He was born in a very humble situation from Virgin Mary. In a straw manger, He was born along the side of the animals, and who would have thought that someone with such great importance to all humanity would start His life like this. Our Savior lived as the perfect example. The one that we all need to strive to be like, the one we need to follow. He left the example and the path to return and lived with our Heavenly Father.
Our Savior Jesus Christ gave us the perfect example of charity, service, love, patients, and every other attribute. He showed us His Gospel; how there has to be a prophet and twelve apostles and there, in that perfect organizing, their would be the complete truth! He shows that they would have the authority to administer the important ordnance of baptism, and sacrament. I could go on forever but what I really want to talk about is how Jesus is or Savior!
Savior is a strong word and when we think of what Jesus did for us most of the world thinks of the Cross-where he was crucified! Ya that was a super important part of His life, when He died for us, but I prefer to think more of the resurrection, which happened 3 days later! Because of Jesus’ resurrection, He gave us all a present. He made it so the death here on Earth will never be the end. One day every single person will resurrect, its something free that Christ has given all of us.
But something even more important happened the day before Jesus Christ was delivered to the Roman soldiers. And it’s about the event that happen in the Garden of Gethsemane. In that place he suffered a pain that we will never understand. In that place our Savior, He paid for all of our sins. He took upon himself all the sins of the world and gives us the “CHANCE” to be forgiven of our sins. He did everything. Did everything, he suffered so much that he bled from every poor of his body. This was the love that He had and has for everyone here on earth. That is the love that He has for us, his brothers and sisters. He knew that it was His purpose to come to Earth. He had to do that so that He could know us each, individually so that He could help us through our trials and our suffering here on earth!
This is our time to remember Him. To remember or Savior and to remember everything that He has done for us and ask if we are doing everything in our power to show our gratefulness to him. I am so grateful for this relationship that I feel, I have been able to create with my Heavenly Father, and with my brother Jesus Christ. I know that He is always at our side, but most of time it’s us that are far from Him.
I am so grateful for this time in my life to teach about what Jesus Christ did for us. For His sacrifice that He made for us. For Him making it possible for us to return and live with Christ. And most of all I’m so grateful for the chance that I have to help others create a better relationship with our Heavenly Father and our Savior!
Through our wonderful messages that us, the missionaries have, we are able to see that Christ never is far from us. Like I said at the beginning of this message in are pre mortal life we already heard everything that we would need to know to return and live with God. We already knew what were going to have to do when we got here on Earth. But when we got here on Earth we forgot everything. AND THROUGH OUR MESSAGES, WE REALLY AREN’T “TEACHING” WE ARE HELPING THE ONES WE LOVE,”REMEMBER” THE PLAN OF OUR HEAVENLY FAHTER THAT WAS ALREADY SHOWN TO US! That is why sometimes we meet people that the gospel just seams sooo natural to them. Because they remember!
Anyone can receive this help to remember!! And there is no better time than now, in this season were we remember our Savior, Jesus Christ!
I love you all, thanks so much for everything that you guys all do for me! This week is going to be awesome!! Here in about 7 days I will be talking with you guys! You said that you wanted to call at about 9:15 9:20 AM… ok. I will be waiting. I almost forgot, here in about 5 hours we are going to have some more baptism, which is just amazing! What a great blessing from our Heavenly Father!
I love you guys all so much! I can’t wait to talk to everyone! Ahhhhhh I’m sooo excited!!
Love you all!!
Your missionary
Elder Wiscomb
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