Hello family!! How are all of you guys doing on this wonderful Day! I hope that all is amazing and that everyone is healthy and happy and always smiling! I want to thank all who sent me an email this week! I truly am so grateful for the updates and to know that everyone is doing just great!
So the big changes has come... I am Santo Angelo now and I am loving it! My new comp is Elder Black and He is the man! To be honest He isn’t Black though.... not even close... He is a red headed kid from Orem Utah that is SO awsome and has 10 months in the mission! He is truly one of the hardest workers I have been with until now and we are truly seeing the hand of the Lord in all things!
To leave Cruz Alta, I'ill be strait up honest, it wasn’t easy! Leaving there and all the amazing families that I was teaching but I have heard that the are mostly all doing just great and soon they will ALL be baptized which makes me sooooo happy, oh man! I truly am so grateful that wherever you GO, or whoever is teaching the gospel, that it never changes!! It’s the gospel of Jesus Christ and it’s the same forever, what a great blessing huh!
Right now I am in Santa Maria it’s so great to be back hahahaha. We are here for a meeting with president so we will be here today and tomorrow then we will be going back tomorrow at midnight. Tonight we will lbe having a family home evening with president and sister that will be so much fun as well! Silvo, lulu, and Neuza picked me up with a big hug again, which is always just, reencounter! And I Will GO and visit some of the people that I got to know here in a bit!
So let me tell you a little bit about the new area where I am! So where I am right now is a Branch... its not a ward yet and it's just because its not big enough, but it's a branch that is super, super strong! The branch here actually works though... I mean there is a president of the branch and counselors and a leader of the missionary work. And a Young men’s presidency... when I got here it was quite a relief because it is so nice to see people that love the gospel and understand the importance of it in our lives and in the lives of other peoples!!
We got here and we have some people that are here that are ready for the baptism already but they Just need to get married and stuff and its kind of complicated because its been like 5 months and they can't get married for some reason.... I don’t know... but maybe I Will see it!
This last week it’s been so amazing to see the Lord truly guide us in his work! Elder Black was in the other part of the city before this so to be honest we are practically opening this area because we both don’t know where we are going hahaha... so its been an adventure!!
The other night we were walking on this road super far way from everything and at the end of the road there was a house that had the door open and the light was lit and it Just looked like the Lord was wanting us to GO there... because everything else was pitch black... at the same moment Elder Blacks and I look at each other and we say “I think the Lord wants us to GO there” ya we were joking and stuff but we really did GO there at 8:30 when we had to run home hahaha and we got accepted in. we walked in and I will be strait up honest this family is soooo amazing!! Oh my gosh! Is a family with 2 daughters that are just amazing! The mom thinks exactly how you think mom hahaha it's just incredible! There is now doubt in my mind that the Lord prepared them to hear the gospel!!!! And we were guided to their front porch!!
Also the other day, to be honest, it was my first day in Santo Angelo. . We were walking on the road and we walked passed a house and I Just stared the house down for some reason and we had passed it by like 2 road and I felt like we should GO back... so I Said Elder lets go back real fast so we went back and on the corner, there was a house that was just another amazing house, with an amazing family! Funny that the week before, come to find out Elder Black and the other missionary had gone there as well!! It’s a family of 3 that is just amazing as well!! They are apart of another church but they are already feeling the spirit super strong!!
The Lord has so much in store for all of us!! Wherever we are sent to go in, in the mission, in life, we are sent to leave that place better then when we found it! The work of the Lord never stops! Ya, sometimes there is a turn that we unexpectedly have to take but the amazing thing about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is that we teach and live the restored gospel of Jesus Christ that is the same forever and always leads in the same directions which is leading back to Christ!
I know that this church is true and I know that everything happens for a reason! I Love you all and know that all Who want and Who care, there is a way to find true happiness, happiness that will last forever, and that is through the Church of Jesus Christ I Love you all!!
Elder Wiscomb
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