Hello family! How are all of you doing on this special Monday afternoon, and I hear that it's Donnies birthday!!!! Hahaha I hope that you guys are having a great time give him a big hug and a kiss for me ok!
Well family this week has just flown by to be honest… I don’t even know where the days have gone! It's been filled with so much excitement and also some sadness but the sadness is always followed up with joy ha-ha… so let's start from the beginning!
The other day at the beginning of the week we went to the house of Ana and Gilberto! We went there with the intention to give them this picture frame of the temple that I had made for them and on the sides (the little peaces of paper) are personal reasons or motives of why they are going to become part of the church of Christ! We had the lesson all planned which would have been about desires and Elder Oaks talk during conference, which is just amazing, and we had a member, which is just amazing as well! But when we got to the appointment it just didn’t go according to plan!
Well we got there and something just wasn’t right… you could just feel it… the air was heavy and to be honest it just didn’t feel like the spirit was in the house… Gilberto had left for a little bit and he didn’t get back until 8:30 and we had to leave at 9 and one of the daughters wasn’t there as well so I was just thinking and I had the impression that we had to switch the message so we did and we kept the picture frame in the car and we talked about the name of the church “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints”… so the we went explaining the name of the church using scriptures and the conference talk of we are invited and called to be Saints (I forgot who talked about it) but the lesson was really good! Anyway at the end they started to talk and they said that this Saturday is to early, and Ana can’t stop smoking and this and that and it just made me super, super sad!! Family, I haven’t ever seen a family that is more prepared than this one but the temptation and the addiction of the cigarette to Ana is making it so the spirit of the lord isn’t able to live in the their house! They said many other things and I left that house I think sadder then I have ever been on the mission because this is a family that knows the church is true and they really are ready to be baptized but at the moment sadly the worldly desire and addiction are holding this family back from making promises with the lord….
We weren’t able to go back this last week but elder Omer will be returning tonight and I will be going on a division but be praying that tonight the lord specify for some people that could become members the church in a couple weeks and that is exactly what the lord has delivered to our hands! We had a baptism of a young girl ha-ha, who is a sister of a member that moved here a couple weeks ago… and we are working with their family now. So one more prayer the lord has answered!
We are teaching this man that’s named Freitas! It’s a man that is super well in life lives on the top floor of a super nice apartment and stuff and its just a man that we did a contact with about a month and a half ago… this man is the man that the Lord has prepared his whole life to become a member of His church here on earth! It goes super well with what president Monson said that the area 70 passed to us the other day when he said, “ the Lord in a natural form puts in our path who he wants in his church”! This man it seems like has been waiting for this his entire life! We have been starting to read the book of morning with him and you can see the light and the happiness that has come to his life through the reading of the Book of Mormon! Unfortunately a week after we contacted him for the first time his wife who is a law professor had to go to Rio but she gets back next week! Every lesson Freitas says “its sad that my loving wife isn’t able to be here to share this sweet spirit and this knowledge which you have brought to our life!” what a special couple!
There are so many wonderful experiences, which I have had this week but sadly my time is up! I just want you to know family that I know this church is true! I am so grateful for the chance I am having to do the work of the Lord and I know that there isn’t anything else in the world that is more gratifying and more charitable then this work! I am so grateful for difficulty and trials in life! It’s a sure fact that during those rough times is when we grow closer and come to understand, trust, love and feel the closeness of our Heavenly Father in our life!! My desire is all of us both in the times of difficulties along with the time happiness and success can always be looking to have the presence of our Heavenly Father in our lives! Life is so much more rewarding and fun when we do this ha!!! Family I love you so much! Pray always together, read the Book of Mormon, and that’s where you start!!
Thanks for everything!! I love you all!!! Have a great day and a great week ok!!
Love you all!
Elder Wiscomb
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