Week 25 February 1, 2010
Hello family!!! Gosh how is everything going!? It sounds like things are just great back home. Thanks so much for the emails you guys are so great. I love hearing about things! Gosh, well where to start? This week was seriously such a great week! Another week of working really hard and another week of hotness, holly cow it is so hot and humid here! I just sit studying in the morning at 9 in the morning and just sweat and sweat... it’s horrible! But whatever right ha-ha!
This week, a lot of great things happened! To start of I will talk about conference! Wow it was another conference really, really good! I love seeing the President and his family and the AP’s, which now are two Americans (and they just happen to be my best friends in the field, and they call me all the time!! its kind of nice to have "an in" on everything that is going on and everything that will happen in the mission hahaha) but it’s really was so great! We learned so much! We started off talking about the goals of the mission, and then we learned how to teach the Book of Mormon better it was so great! When we were learning, ahh, my appreciation and knowledge about the book of Mormon grew even more! It’s truly a book that has the power of God and that is able to change the lives of those who read it! I just love the lesson of the Book of Mormon like I have already said! Such a crucial lesson for people, I love how they stress it so much!! And then after we ate lunch which is always amazing and then sister Myrrah showed us how to stretch and keep good care of our bodies and stuff so we did that for an our and a half! She did something that she calls "nuvem azul" which means ‘blue clouds’ something that relaxes you ahh it was so nice ha-ha! And then I had my interview with the President which is always amazing, and he said that he is 99% positive that he will transfer me to a different place this next transfer which I'm excited for (it’s actually a bitter sweet thing) but I think more sweat then bitter ha-ha! I'm really excited to see what will happen!! So ya that was conference!!
And then today for p-day we were walking passed a restaurant in Uruguay and what do you know hahahaha... President and sister Myrrah are here today hahaha it was super funny something that never happens they are sooo far away from there house, like 4 hours, but it was nice to see them AGAIN to talk for a little!
But what else happened this week... aww with the work the family that we have, that is progressing really well is continuing to progress!!! We actually marked a date for the baptism of a woman who is 68 years old she is amazing!! But the rule is that our investigators need to come to church 2 times before they are baptized... which is fine she loves church but our bishop picks her up because she lives across the street from him... and long story short he forgot.......... ahhhhh I know, so we need to wait until the 13th to baptize her which is 2 days before I leave so I'm hoping everything will workout, and I will be able to see her baptism!!
Other than her we, once again are working with a list of less actives and we got the members involved this week, which was great! We are going down a list of members that is 20 pages long and 2 columns with tinny font (ya soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo members) and contacting them one by one, street by street and its been the best thing we have done!! We are finding so many new people to teach (well for other areas ha-ha) but its still good!! And we are helping people to return! Once again we had 4 families that are returning and one of them that is super strong that is visiting the other families with the Patriarch!! So that’s good news so the work is going very well here!!
This week also was the birthday of the old man that I sent a picture of last week (our neighbor) so he invited us to have a Brazilian BBQ with him for lunch and it was so amazing!! We have been teaching him and he loves to read so we gave him a Book of Mormon for his present! And we are going to give the lesson this week!
Speaking of this week that’s coming!! Tomorrow I will do a 3-day division again with my ZL!! I'm so excited because I get to spend time with Elder Zukini, it sound be a couple fun days!!
And something SO funny that happened this week... I don’t know if I told you but my companion is from the city where they love cheese, (they really like worship it, it’s so funny) the cheese capital here in Brazil called Belo Horizont. And I guess he hasn’t eaten cheese for ever, like one yea,r because it’s expensive here in the south but he was dying so he finally said whatever and bought this huge, literally ball, of cheese like in the movies for 12 REALS that’s a freaking lot of cheese hahaha and he was like taking pictures with it and stuff... ahh it was just so funny. Probably wont be to you but you need to know and see how much this guy loves cheese hahaha its crazy!!!
Well jente (everyone) this was my week for you! Another week of serving the Lord which was amazing! There isn’t anther work better than this and I'm so grateful that I have the opportunity to do this for two years!! What a blessing!! Something that I want you guys to do! I was sitting and reading during my personal study and I was reading about the atonement of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! And after I read about it, at the bottom it said to give yourself a couple minutes to think about what I read... I was just thinking there and thoughts started to come to my head!! Thoughts and feeling of gratitude, love and many other things!!! And a thought come to my mind ‘what would I say to the Lord if he was here in front of my face if I had 10 minutes with him what would I say!!!’ This is what I want you guys to do! Think about the atonement and if you have time listen to the... I think it was the Easter talks of Elder Holland about the atonement and after WRITE ON PAPER what you would say to Jesus Christ if you had 10 conversing with him! This is something that really changed my life!! I promise that this will open your mind to a greater understanding and an even deeper love for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Everyone I want you all to know that I know this Church is true!! That we have the guidance of a living prophet to help us through this live on earth! A life that sometimes ya, is difficult, but if endure the temptations of the world and search for the light of Christ and keep the commandments we will have a life filled with happiness, love, good heath and the presence of our Heavenly Father which is the source of all things (proverbs 3:1-2) I think this is the scripture!! If not its chapter 4 ha-ha...
But everyone I love you all! Have a fabulous week and look for a ways and opportunities to brighten the world a little more with the light of Christ that is within all of us!! Love you all!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Elder Wiscomb
Luke 9:62!!! I don’t know if I have already shared this scripture but its one of my favorites and its so true!!!! If you think about with we put our hands and the plough when we accepted Gods plan when we were with him before our lives here on earth!! Really we can’t look back!! We need to continue marching forward and spreading the knowledge that we have as member and the source of happiness that we feel and have in our lives!! It’s clear and a little bold, but true!!!!! That if we don’t do just this "we are fit for the kingdom of heaven"!
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