Week 26 February 8, 2010
Hello family!!!! How is everyone doing this week!! It sounds like everything is just going great in Salt Lake! Thanks for the emails everyone it’s so great to here from you all!!
So lets just get right to the point huh, hahaha! This week was SO great! First starting on ‘terca feira’ we started a division! So I stayed with Elder Zequini! He is my best friend here in the mission, that’s a Brazilian, he is awesome! And we had such a great time! We taught a lot and we bought pizza from Uruguay, but it was so good!! Something actually really crazy happened to us when we were together too!! It’s actually something kind of scary!! So on Wednesday it was super windy!!! And I mean trees were falling down and stuff it was crazy, but the work needs to continue right... so we were walking up this street that had buildings on both sides. And a slate of glass (like a full window) was blown out of its position in front of us and hit the ground and the wind caught it again and it started to come strait at us! Seriously a huge slate of glass!!! But what happened next is truly the Lord protecting us!! The glass was flying right at us and we didn’t have much time to react and right when the glass was about to hit and seriously probably hurt us really bad if not cut us in half (I'm not kidding) the glass broke into two pieces and went around us and aaaaaaah it and cut the people that were behind us!! Seriously the only things that we felt were little grains of glass kind of like sand that didn’t do anything!! That is something that I seriously saw the Lord’s hand in! And there was nothing in the way that made the glass brake but it seriously broke into two chunks and did a circle around us! It was something that I will never forget and always remember that truly we are protected by our Heavenly Father!! Pretty cool huh!? Well more like pretty crazy ha!!
But it was divisions and I learned a lot!! I'm at the point where we can just go to the appointments now and I don’t need to worry about what part I need to teach I'm getting more and more comfortable every day which is nice!! And I found that out on the division!! I think that he was really testing me but it as good! So here in Livramento it’s soooooo hot!!!! The wind is hot the rain is hot... its just pure hot and it’s difficult to relax, especially when you are just sweating all day hahah but its great!! Couldn’t ask for anything better ha-ha... and I hear that Livramento is the coldest of all places in the winter here!
Well something else happened this week that was really great; we marked the date of baptism for Maria! This lady is amazing!! And so ready to be baptized! So we are going to baptize her on Friday and then I leave Monday night!! What a great way to leave this city huh ha-ha!!
So everyone, about that question that I gave you guys last week, I think that I will share my answer with you guys too!! So this question was if you had 10 minutes with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ what you say to him? How would you show your love and gratitude for everything that he has done for us! And I said to write it down on paper................ so this is an activity that I did too! And quite frankly I did A LOT of sitting and thinking!! Seriously I couldn’t think of the "right things to say"! I mean obviously we have the power of prayer, which is literally a way to talk to our Heavenly Father, one on one and I like to think that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ knows what we say in our prayers too! So I already express my emotions and my gratitude and love through prayer!! But I just continued to sit and think... and I honestly couldn’t think of what I really, really wanted to say to him!!! So I said a prayer, and I finally figured out what I would say to him to show my gratitude and love for him!! And quite frankly it was 1 or 2 sentences!! My paper was practically empty!! I started to right on the paper!! I started to write "honestly from the bottom of my heart thanks so much for the example that you left here on Earth for all of us! It’s the perfect example, something that all of us have an opportunity to follow!! And words can’t explain my gratitude for the suffering you did for us in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross!! I know that because and through your atoning sacrifice we all have a chance to return to and live with you and our Heavenly Father! Anything I say won’t do justice! All I can say is CONTINUE TO WATCH ME while I'm here on Earth!! I WILL SHOW YOU MY GATITIUDE!" this is what I wrote!! "Watch me" through our works and actions here on Earth we can show how much we are grateful for what he did for us!!!
That is what I wanted to share with you guys!! I love you guys so much! My time is up!! The time is going by so fast and I can’t believe that one more week has passed!! I am down to the last 7 days here in Livramento, which is crazy!! Next week I will be telling you what’s going to happen!!! I love all of you so much!! Have a fabulous week!!! Mauh!! Big hug and kiss!
Elder Wiscomb
D and C 64:33...remember we are laying the foundations of the marvelous work!! All of us as members and followers of Christ have the opportunity to be an example thought the little things we do!! Love you all
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