Hello family! How is everyone doing on this fabulous day? I hope all is well. You guys all sound so great in your emails and thanks so much for every one of them! So about my week
What a crazy week. So the week started off amazing. Sunday morning we got up and we were on the bus on our way to church, and a family enters the bus. We were thinking that they were less actives that just decided to come back. We get to church and we were told that it’s a family that is getting to know the church for the first time. The Lord just placed a family in our hands! We have talked to them and there are some things that need to get done first. But they loved church and in the future they are going to get baptized! Maybe it’s not is in my time here, but soon enough they will be!!
Also in church I had an amazing experience… sitting there during sacrament meeting when they are releasing and calling new calling, I am just listening there and all of a sudden they call Silvio and Nueza!!!!! I looked at them as they stand (all smiling and proud and happy) and then the following words come. That Silvio was found worthy to receive the Aaronic priesthood, and that Nueza is the new counselor in the relief society!! Ahh I was so happy and grateful to my Heavenly Father for them that I’ll be quite honest, I couldn’t hold the tears of joy from running down my face. What a great surprise! They said they wanted to surprise me and they sure did!
And in this sacrament we had another surprise… President and Sister decided to come to our sacrament meeting and we have about 4 to 6 investigators about ever week but this one we just happened to have 10 investigators! President was really impressed with our work for the little time that we have in the field! The Lord is really blessing us and it’s been amazing to see!
Besides that, this Monday was the day of gauchos!! It would have been the last day of gauchos that I would have seen here in the Sul of brazil… but it wasn’t my p-day, so we ended up spending the day here in the office working and I didn’t see it but whatever…. Got to do what you got to do.
Also we got an elder from a different mission. His name is elder Weiss and he is Brazilian. And lives pretty dang close to our mission. He was in the mission Fortaleza or something like that. And he was actually comps with an elder Parker Stocking hahaha funny huh. So we had some good stories to tell!
So anyway the work here in the office is going normal, and in the field is going ok too. We have a lot of investigators but because of the new rule of no baptizing anyone individual under the age of 18 without a family, and with the family that we have (but they have to marry first) we have a lot of people that love church but its going to be a long process for everyone! The future missionaries in this area are going to love these amazing families.
It’s amazing how the Lord puts people in our road, and helps us know how to teach them and stuff. I had a great experience the other day. We have been teaching a mom and a daughter ever since I got together with Felipe, and they have gone to church ever since the first visit. They love the church and say they can’t find one flaw… (Well weird huh. because there isn’t one… it’s absolutely perfect, because its not a church created by men, it’s the church of the Lord). The only thing that she doesn’t understand is that she needs to be baptized again…. She can’t accept that her baptism that she had wasn’t valid in the eyes of the Lord; she was baptized in some little church, and by a woman of all things hahahahahahahaha… (Sorry but when she told me this I started to laugh hahahaha, I haven’t ever heard of this before… good thing that we have already met and made a friendship and I don’t think she saw me laugh which was good)… But she just doesn’t get the whole priesthood and authority of God aspect. Actually she knows it but I just think she doesn’t want to accept it…
So anyway we are out of ideas to try and help her so I did a little prayer and a fast for help. And the Lord answered the very next day it was amazing!! He just didn’t show me but he showed Felipe too. We studied the same thing, Alma 5, and decided that that’s what she needed to hear. So anyway, we ended up teaching and we marked her date for the 9th !!! So I am hoping that everything will go great and will continue! But once again the Lord has answered my prayers!!! It’s incredible!
The Lord with never leave us alone, never. Whenever we need his help he is there. The only thing we have to do is allow him to have part of our life and He will guide us.
I'm out of time but I love you all so much and thanks for everything!! Big hug and kiss to all
Love you all
Elder Wiscomb