Hello family!! So this week I really have zero time to write, oh man! But first off thanks so much for the wonderful emails! I'm so happy to hear from all you and that everything is just great!
So what happen here in the mission this week! We entered into the water again! It was amazing a night to remember!!! The spirit and the happiness, that was in the chapel that night was incredible! Seriously! And after, something amazing happened... Silvio pulled me over to the side and started to cry, thanking me for helping him find the road of Christ. What an experience. To be honest I was shocked and a little without words but I just told him that as missionaries we just present the information, it was him that found the road and him that decided to accept it... and I further said to never forget these feelings and this happiness that he is feeling right now! But what a great day!!
Other than that, we had transfers and mission tour, which I am soooooooo happy its over... we didn’t have much time to work the field and it did disappoint me a little because sometimes here in the office I don’t feel much like a missionary... which is super, super difficult... but we have a great mission tour. We talked about disobedience and the rules. One of my favorite subjects ha-ha. It was great!
Other than that, to be honest the week passed by sooooo fast I don’t even know where it went...
An experience last night is that we were teaching this mom and daughter and there just happened to be a women that was there that night just because she thought that she should be there... we invited her to listen to the message as well and we were practically done with the message. We decided to teach about the ministry of Christ again. So by the end she was crying and she further said that she was a member and has been for a long time. That she was married in the temple and has her partial blessing and everything and she didn’t know why she needed to be at that house that night but when we showed up she figured out why. We taught and she accepted to go to church this week!! Something big happened that made her go inactive but she is going to come back! How awesome is that!! It was amazing!
Ahhh to be honest I'm out of time. Sorry this is so short but I just want to know that love you all! This church is true and it is never too late to come to know Christ or to return partake of the blessing again!! The only thing you need to remember is that the lord is always saying, "Come unto me".
Love you all so much!
Thanks again!!
Elder Wiscomb
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