Hello family!!! How is everything doing on this Sunday afternoon? So sorry, I realize that I am writing again on Saturday but my comp had to do his training this time yesterday ha-ha which stinks for him ha, but it looks like this next week we are going to have p-day on Friday so just remember. Sorry this is super confusing for us too. Ha
But this morning was super awesome! We (me and Feleipe) we decided to do something different and we wanted to climb a mountain or something, so we always heard of people going up to the big antanas and there is an awesome view. So we just decided to walk there and see what we find. So we end up going and we walk and walk and ask for directions and we walk more and more and we start get to a fence that says "do not enter" ha-ha. We ask the neighbor if that was the way. And he said yes so we just keep going. Decide to jump the fence and start walking on this abandoned trail, going to the top of a mountain hahaha. Well we walk and walk and then we start to have to really climb and stuff ha, well it was quite the hour and a half clime up the mountain but it was worth it… the whole trip took about 5 hours… and then we get to the top…
When we got to the top we saw anther road it looked like it was a road for the care and about 15 minutes later a man on a bike comes up with a bike and we asked if a car would make it up and he said for sure. So we decided to call President and see if he and sister would like to come up and see this amazing view. President said as much as he would like to he had to run to an emergency meeting but sister wasn’t doing anything so she came up and we did a little picnic up at the top and then we messed around a bit! It was quite the day!!!
So that was today but because of this last week we have been getting really behind in the work in the field. The office work and figuring some things out their, really is hurting us in the field and we had a good teaching pool but we did a huge cut with our investigators because non were progressing they just love the presence of us in their house. This is kind of frustrating. But this last week we ended up working really hard and we taught 19 lessons which is way good for only having 2 or 3 hours in the field every night…. The most lesson that have ever been taught in this area is 20, and we made a goal to break that week after week.
We actually had some cool experiences these last couple days. Silvo, the man that we taught and baptized gave us a ride home one night from a lesson and he said something that I will never forget. He looks at us with tears in his eyes and he says, “I regret getting baptized….” And we get a little scared like. What going on… but then her further says? “I regret getting baptized so late. Now I don’t have a way to serve a mission, I feel it's my responsibility to spread the gospel know.” well we ended up teaching him about missions for married couples and he said that it's something he plans to do in the future if he has the means… which is amazing!!
Also the other night we were knocking on some street where I have never been it's sooooooo far away from everything ha-ha. Actually I think it's in the areas of some other elders but they wouldn’t ever go their because it s so far up I the mountains. And we found a boy and a dad that were really interested in our first message about Christ… long story short we ended up teaching and he said that he would always be in the house at night so we didn’t even mark another night to go back we just left it at that….
So 2 nights ago we were up in that area again and we just decided to pass by to see if we could share with them the 2 lesson. It's so far so we aren’t ever there and when we passed by it looked like they had visitors in their house so we were just …" lets just pass the house and not interrupt this." But then we passed and we looked at each other and we said both at the same time were like "actually lets go back"… anyway we ended up teaching and it was a lesson that was a little difficult. We had people standing up and sitting down and leaving and coming and it just wasn’t the right atmosphere to teach the lesson… but the wife of this man and this young boy got home right at the end of the lesson when we were talking about Joseph Smith and she heard everything and understood that the Church of Christ was restored and we have it in our day. And she asked us when church was, and we told her and invited her to come and promised that it would be the best decision that she would ever make in her life, and before we could say anything else she said. “I'll go!! I don’t know about anyone else but I'll go, you guys will come and get me”
So we are going to go to here house here in a little bit and see what happens be praying!!
So family I love you so much I just want to say that this Church is true! Thanks for everything that you guys do for me! And for all the updates and it really calms my soul to know that all is well back home!!! Love you all with all my heart and thanks again!! Big hug and kiss for everyone and always know that I am here for you all!!!
Elder Wiscomb
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