Hello family!! How is everyone doing on this wonderful April morning!! I hope that all of you guys are just great and happy and always smiling! It seems like from all the emails you guys are in Arizona again… and I hope that you guys are having a great time in the sun and all that!
Gosh so where do I start! I thought that last week was crazy, and I thought that there couldn’t be a week that consisted of more things to do… but I must say that this week was one of the most busy that I have ever had! So lets start from the beginning!
This week we had planned to do a division with the DL that is in IjuĂ! It had been planned for about 3 weeks now but we switched it all up! Instead of doing divisions with just on of them we decided that we wanted to see how everyone is doing in that city so we did divisions with everyone there. 3 companionships! We went there on Tuesday morning and Elder Pouslen stayed there from Tuesday until Saturday morning and I returned with the DL there to our area! So practically this entire week I wasn’t with my comp. Haha… so for the first day I was with this Elder, Elder Foster, then on Thursday and Friday I stayed with a different elder that come to Cruz Alta that is named Elder Costa!
We worked super hard and we had some great success this week even though it was raining cats and dogs almost the entire week!
We are teaching some families that are super special! And we were hit with a big shock when we returned Tuesday night and we knocked our hands on the door and the mom (Patricia) answered and I saw that she was a little different! I asked her how she was and she said she was more or less ok. But something wasn’t right, I could tell by her face, she tried to push a smile… anyway we entered and we sat down. And we started to talk… we had planned to teach the plan of salvation that night but we decided to change it up…
With a bit of talked we found out that the night before their daughter had tried to commit suicide, by cutting her pulses and overdosing on medicine… they told us she left her room and came and sat with us all bandaged up and drugged out of her mind... anyway the room and the atmosphere in that house was super heavy if that makes any sense and we decided to teach about how we can receive comfort and love from our Heavenly Father and prayer because after talking we only had about 15 minutes to teach before we had to be home! But it was a great lesson!
A little bit later we returned and we taught about the priesthood and blessings of comfort and of the sick… and they got the concept and they asked if we would be able to give the blessings and if we could pass the hospital and give a blessing to the daughter!! It was super spiritual! I know that the priesthood is real and is something that is giving to worthy men who are members of the Christ of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to really serve others!
We also had a super amazing experience with another family!!! Our neighbors where we live are all members ha-ha it’s pretty cool! So there is a young couple that lives on the other side of the street whose mom and 4 sisters and 2 brothers are all inactive in the church!! It’s only our neighbor that is active at the moment!! Anyway when we can, I have always liked to pass by the mom of our neighbor and give an invite to her at least once a week to go to church!! I really do love this family and the thing that I want more then anything is to help them return!
What all of you guys need to know back home is that the mom (Maria) is together (not married) with a man that lives in her house that hates the missionaries and the church… and brings a lot of problems to their family!!!!! Maria’s daughter (Graciela) our neighbor, was prying that entire week so much about her mom and what she could do to help her stop suffering from this man!! Little did I know (I didn’t know anything) this man that is together with her mom (Maria) threatens her when she wants to separate and stuff and hits her and stuff and she really isn’t able to leave him…. So Graciela was praying and praying and praying the whole week!
So it all started on Friday when we had a day full of appointments… it was a division and you always need to work a little bit harder during divinations hahahahaha. So we went to ALL of our appointed, and plan b and c and d… ha-ha and EVERYTHING FELL I couldn’t believe, I was super sad! And I really started to think… great now what… so I said a little prayer in my mind and Maria came to my mind!! But we were ALL the way on the other side of our area so I ignored it…. Then we started to knock doors… we knocked two doors and we weren’t invited in and then Maria came back to my mind so I said lets go to Maria…. So we walked about an hour to get there. And we entered and started to talk…
When we got there I didn’t know what we were going to teach… I though… just another invite to go to church maybe… but when were talking I opened up the scriptures and it felt like I should talk about prayer… so we did!!!
I started to talk about the principals of prayer just the basics then I said that it’s the way that we gain our testimonies… I wanted to hear how she felt when she accepted the gospel a long time ago… when I asked she stayed quite and was thinking and then she started to cry and said that she hasn’t received an answer to her prayers yet… and its been about 20 years…. Thats a long time ago when she was praying for direction from the Lord she ended her prayers and the missionaries were on the front door step and she took that as an answer…. But she really hasn’t ever prayed about it…. So I invited her to pray and to ask with all her heart if it’s true. Then she opened up completely to us… she started to talk about her boyfriend that she has and how he hits and threatens her and how she felt like she couldn’t go to church because she isn’t married but lives with a man and stuff like that… and I said that this is when she NEEDS to go to church!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The one things that she wants is to leave this man but she isn’t able to, she said that it’s him that needed to leave her but she doesn’t know how to do that..…. And I promised her that if that is really what she wants she needs to go to church and be filled with the spirit and bring it back to her house!!! I know with out a doubt in my mind that if she does this the spirit of the Lord with be so strong in that house that her boyfriend will not to be able to handle and will leave her… anyway she finally went to church yesterday and she was just lighted with a smile the entire time!! I know that the Lord will bless her when continues to do her part!!!
Well family with this being Easter weekend I just want to say that I am so grateful for my savior Jesus Christ and for is atoning sacrifice!! You know like mom said, I think that the human mind isn’t able to understand the concepts of the atonement or how it works or the suffering that Jesus Christ felt but I know that he did this because of the love that He has for every one of you! There is no doubt in my mind that because of Jesus Christ we are able to return and to live with our Heavenly Father, and we are able to have an eternal family!! Jesus Christ has never asked much in return, the only thing He asks is to follow Him! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is His church! It’s the only true church of Christ here on the face of the Earth, and I know that! I know that we have a living prophet and 12 Apostles and I know that they are called of God to lead us!!
Remember that Christ lives and that He is always extending His hand to his brothers and Sister (all of us) every second of every day to come unto Him and to partake of His love and happiness that we find through repenting and becoming members of His church here on earth!
I love you all!!! Have a great Easter weekend!!!
Your missionary
Elder Wiscomb
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