So Monday after I used Internet I got a call of the AP's saying that we were going to be doing a division on Tuesday and Wednesday hahahaha… Surprise…. Ha-ha but it was so much fun, I got to go to Santa Maria and work with Elder Harris a great friend of mine here in the mission!
When I got there in the bus station, the whole division started off with a great surprise!! Elder Harris had plan for someone to come pick me up! Do you guys remember Silivo? Ya he and his wife and daughter came and got us from the bus station so I was greeted with a huge old hug from Lulu (Luisa) who has 7 years old and Silvio and Neusa! It was sooo amazing to see them and to see that they are all so strong still. Silvio is now a ward missionary (ex Jehovah Witness, he loves this job hahaha) and Neusa is still a counselor in the relief society and they are thinking about going to the temple here in about 4 months which will be sooooooooo amazing for them! Anyway the division was so much fun and we worked super hard!
When I to back to my area we started to work super hard! We have some amazing families that we are teaching, like I have been saying and I would like to comment about something that has been happening over the past 4 months since I got here!
Before I got here Elder Ball my old comp had baptized a man (Geraldo) that has a brother in law (Wilson) that was in the hospital and he ask for us to go give him a blessing because the doctor had said that it was for him to dye that very day. The doctor gave him like 5 hours to live that’s about it… anyway we went and we gave him a priesthood blessing and after a couple hours a miracle had happened and his situation in the hospital was getting better! Anyway this family, the brother in law (Wilson) and the sister of Gerald, (Geraldine), we have been trying to work with them ever since I got here! But for me to explain this family through email will be super, super hard! They are unlike anyone I have ever met!!
From the beginning I met this women Geraldine, one of the first days here when all the houses were flooding… remember when I was talking about all the rain..?... Anyway. I remember vividly that I splashed some water on someone or something like that when we were helping and this women (Geraldine) got super, super angry. Ha-ha… lets just say that the way is super, super, super funny ha-ha… she is not an angry person but she is a very closed person because of all the things that have happened in her life!! Its more like you need to gain her respect and confidence before she will open to you and that is super, super hard ha-ha….
Anyway since the beginning I found out that she doesn’t like fake people… she doesn’t like to be called “Sister…” actually she gets pretty angry because the family is something that is super important to her and to be called Brother or Sister is normal in the church so that was hard at the beginning… she always just said that “you aren’t apart of my family…” stuff like that… and she answered our questions shortly and ahhh to be strait up honest she was rude at the beginning! She couldn’t stand the fact that if we talk sooooooo much about family and stuff in the church why does the church send off young men and women far away from their family for 2 years… this has been sooo hard for her to understand!!
Anyway I really wanted to help this women, Geraldine realize the blessing that the church has for the families. That we believe and know that families can be together and all that!!! So we have been passing by there for about 3 and a half months and its been super, super difficult!!! With our continued visits, she has come to gain a great respect for us!!! But we haven’t even been able to teach the lessons we wanted to until this last week… finally we taught the restoration
This woman has been going to church for the last 5 weeks without even hearing about the restoration and we taught a lesson that was super, super spiritual!!! After we sung the song of the first vision in priesthood, my testimony about it grew and I ask her if this has helped her understand why she feels so good there in the church and how she feels about knowing about the marvelous event when God and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith. The sprit was so strong and when I ask that, the room just went silent… for about 3 minutes we sat there and she started to cry and she said…. “I know that this is true” and if she could she would be baptism tomorrow she said… but then she started to explain that she understands the importance of the family in the church and she couldn’t do anything that her husband wouldn’t be on her side. Her husband Wilson hadn’t ever gone to church and she has invited him every time and he never had wanted to go… anyway we said a pray together asking our Heavenly Father to help her husband go to church the following day and without thinking I promised her that when she invited him the next morning he would go…. I left that house thinking “great what did I say”… but rest of the day I kept thinking and pleading with Heavenly Father that He would give there a way for him to go to church!!
Anyway the following day, Easter Sunday, passed the first class and they hadn’t shown… then right when I saw that the she got there and she wasn’t alone!!!!! They whole family was there!! Geraldine, Wilson and Bruno!! Oh man my happiness was sooooooo big!! And my thankfulness to our Heavenly Father for answering our prayers for this!!! They loved it and I know that this is what the family needs!
One day I will tell you allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll about this family!!! Oh man it has been sooo special to see this family grow!!!
That was the experience of the week probably!!! Maria from last week went again to church!!! I believe that she is doing well!! I wasn’t able to catch them at home this week but I will this week for sure!!!
I just want you all to know that Christ lives and I know that!! I can feel His love in my life along with our Heavenly Fathers!! I am so grateful for His constant guidance in my life and for His part in His work!! This work is imposable without it!!
I’m sorry if this email was little confusion but it’s hard to share an amazing experience and story of about 4 months in one email. hahaha
But I love you all so much!! I will try and get this call all figured our here in a little bit! I am going to try to figure out if there will be a way to use SKYPE again but I will let you all know next week!!
I love you all so much!!!
Have a great week and until next week!!
Love Elder Wiscomb
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