Hello family!
How is everyone doing on this Saturday! It sounds like everyone is doing your own little things and that everyone is good. I'm so happy to hear that all is well with everything back in Utah!!
So this week has been full of some amazing stuff. We had the first training/conference of president Ribeiro. And wow it was amazing!!! We first started talking about our desire as missionaries and how we all have to have a desire to serve and he tied that in with John the beloved and his desire to follow Christ! I never ever though about John the beloved in that way. How he was the youngest disciple of Christ and arguably the most knowledgeable... how he "stayed on the side of Christ" all the way until Golgotha... and then Christ had so much trust in him that He trusted him, with the life of His mom! That shows a lot... wow my mind went crazy on learning that about him!! It was amazing! And then we talked about the gospel of Christ and how it never changed, and then we talked about the Holy Ghost!!!
This conference was by far the one that I have enjoyed the most! It was literally 9 hours of just learning and scripture studying it was more of a seminary or institute setting and ahh it was just amazing!!! But other than that we have had some great success with the work too!
So to start, Saturday night we had that lesson with Beatriz and Luisa, the mom and sister of Sabrina and once again it was one of the most amazing lessons we have had. It's been a good 2 weeks since we saw her and we challenged her to read every day the Book of Mormon and to write down all of the doubts or questions that she had and she did. So the lesson started out with answering the questions. We have to take advantage of the time we have with her because it’s not a lot of time. So guess how long the lesson was… ya 3 hours it was a lesson really, really deep about the eternal plan of our Heavenly Father. Something that is not usually done, but this was an exception, an experience that I will never forget…
We started to teach and everything went amazing! Every question either me or my comp were able to answer using the scriptures and a big part was our testimony and just letting the holy ghost work though us. And at the end of the message we challenged her to get baptized on the 24 of July! She hesitated for a minute, just thinking that she wasn’t ready, that she needed a little more time but we knew and felt that she was ready BY THAT DATE. What happened next was something that was amazing. We knew that there would exist a process (a preparing) for her baptism that is why we set the 24 because she has to come in town to be taught. I think that is why she was feeling that she wasn’t prepared because now she isn’t, right when she told us that she wanted to put it off a little bit the instinct struck in… I asked her if returning to live again with our Heavenly Father was the deepest desire of her heart, when she responded “yes.” I further explained that inheriting the kingdom of God was only possible through following the examples and the things required, all starting with baptism. After I did that, bore my testimony as a representative of Christ, that if she would continue to read and do everything in her power to do all we say, she will receive an answer and this is the true church of God and she WILL be ready for her baptism on the 24 of July!
It was so amazing to be able to bare your testimony as a representative of Christ and feel that power of the Holy Ghost work through you. When I said my testimony she looked at me and started to cry with a big old smile and said, “ok, I accept your help to prepare me for my baptism”
Some days later, 3 days to be exact we called her, (that is the plus of be secretary we can call anyone and everyone we want ha, the most desired phone in he mission haha) and she told me that she did pray and asked, and received the answer from God that what we had taught was the truth! And now went out and bought her a skirt so should would look "Beautiful" on her baptism day haha.
The solution is so simple…. Ask with a sincere heart and it should be revealed unto you. If you have any doubt or any question, just ask and the answer will be given unto you. Just imagine, God obviously wants us all to return to him, but there is no way that He can't force us, but He wants so very much to show us!
My testimony these past days has grown so much. Watching the hand of the Lord in our work and trying so very hard to search for His guidance... I am so very grateful for the Gospel in my life. For this time to be a representative of Christ and wear his name on my chest 24 hours a day for 2 years! Well now almost only 1 year. That’s crazy and sad to think... I love you guys so much always know that. Take advantage of every minute you have on this Earth. It all passes to fast, and every second that passes, we aren’t able to get them back.
This is short and I'm sorry, I don’t have much time to write today but thanks again, for your emails, for your love and for the pictures. (Which are mostly of little Donnie that I love to see oh man he is getting huge). I'm so lucky to have you guys for eternity!
I wish you all a great day and a wonderful week!! Love you all, until soon.
Your son, brother, grandson and missionary
Elder Wiscomb
Matthew 5:16
PS. I fixed my myldsmail. I don’t know why it wasn’t working but please if you guys could send emails to cwiscomb@myldsmail.net I would really like to keep the rule of the Internet now that I am able to... love you all!
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