"my comp took a picture of me laughing because he said that my family should see what I am always doing... ya who would have ever thought... reading..yes now it is soooo cold so I spent some money finally and bought one of those hot pad things hahaha like the one you have mom and its one of the most amazing purchases I have made on the mission hahaha."

Hello family! How is everyone doing on this fabulous day and on this July 24 week, and Donnie’s birthday wow full of great stuff? First of all thanks so much for all the letters and it’s always such a relief to hear that you guys are all great and everything is just going splendidly at home!! Although I heard some things that I didn’t want to here about Molly hahahaha gosh Mol you are just growing up all too fast... what is this about a senior in high school saying that you have good eyes.... just remember that you are only 14 ok!!! haha.. but thanks so much for everything.
So this week has been a great week. Other than it being absolutely freezing!! and raining, we have had so much to do in the office but we have been able to leave every day at 5 and we have been working really well in the field with the help of the Lord. So first in the office
this week, president and sister Ribeiro are finishing their traveling they have done zone conferences in almost every place. They only have Livramento, which they will finish on Monday, so this week we had to prepare some stuff here in the office for them to leave. I have had a lot of time to just sit and talk with sister Riberio and she is awesome oh man I love this lady. She is so sweet, I think I like her so much because she reminds me sooooooo much of mom ahh it almost kills me! She is just so lost here in the mission but the way she deals with it is that she tries to find things that are nice to do for everything that is around her! She literally was just a mother of 4 children (3 daughters and 1 son) that was thrown into a mission field, a situation that brought her 150 sons. Just imagine it ha.. “bless her heart haha” but she is amazing and I'm so lucky that have gotten to know her pretty well.
Also president Ribeiro! I haven’t ever seen someone so determined.. He has his goals and he is ready to go get them. It’s like a ‘novinho’ arriving in the field with that fire and the huge vision. Something that is difficult but necessary to sustain throughout a mission. You really see the excitement through the Elders and Sisters with the new things that president is applying here in our mission and it’s going to bring big results for sure. Our mission is all too lucky to have him here with us! Dad or mom if you would like to write an email to him it would be good just saying thanks! I’m sure that he would like that. His email is presidenteribeiro@gmail.com I’m sure that he would love it. He is trying to learn English too... I think he reads to be honest, but I’m not sure, because sometimes he asks for me to translate stuff but I think it’s just because he wants to make sure that he interpreted correctly. So try it and see what happens.
But other then the office stuff, the field is going great, we have 3 dates marked now for the 24 of July and we are we are starting the processes of the marriage for Silvio and Neusa. This will be 2 more families that will be entering the Church of Christ. What a blessing to do this work, this will be two more families that through the testimony given to them by the Holy Ghost, they have found the purpose of life and the light of God in their lives. Our branch is soon going to be turning to a ward because of the progress it’s been having these past couple months, another blessing. Gosh the blessing and the miracles seen here on the mission are unbelievable..
I am just praying that everything will go according to plan! although they (Beatriz and Luiza) they have gained testimonies and done everything we have said, they are having a little problem financially and were saying that maybe it is going to be difficult for them to come here on he 24!! I know that if we do everything we can through are prays and talking with the members in our ward.. God will make a way for this huge step in their lives to happen! I have faith that $ isn’t going to get in the way of their progress of applying baptism, which as the scriptures says, essential for the returning and living with Him (our heavenly father) one more time in His glorified kingdom! So for right now my hopes are up!
Ahh I have so much more I want to say but I’m out of time...
I hope that you guys have a great day today... boating and then a pool party probably with burgers and chips and all that good stuff... Oh man. hahhaaha. but I hope that you guys have a great week with Donnie’s birthday and a great 24 of July! I love you guys so much always know that! Know that you guys are always in my prayers.. and thanks again for everything!! Have a great day and week!! Big hug and kiss for all!
Elder Wisomb
John 14:16
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