Family! How are you guys all doing! I just want to say thanks so much for all of your letters. Like I say ever week, I love hearing from you all and to hear that everything is just great with all of you.
But where do I start. This week has been just full of so many things. The switch in presidents, saying bye to president and sister Myrrha and the receiving of our new president and sister Ribeiro. But first let’s talk about saying bye.
So saying bye was such a hard thing to do… we helped them down to the very last minute they were here in Santa Maria… whether it was getting things here in the office ready for them to leave, or in their own house packing up boxes and stuff… we had a chance to eat their last lunch in their house, were we talked about some experiences that they have had while they have been here on the mission, which was soon followed by them running around making sure that they have everything. I get all flustered making sure that I have everything on transfers when I get transferred, I can't even imagine moving practically an entire house… ya a little difficult…
Just to give you guys a little bit of an idea of our week this week, before president left we didn’t leave the office again until about 9, trying to get things ready, but its been a long and rewarding road to see everything go…
So the “bye” itself was quite sad… president and sister Myrrha have been like a mom and dad to me for the past year and it was sad to be them leave…. To be honest I don’t think that it has really hit me yet… I think I'm thinking that next week I'm going to just see president Myrrha walk though the doors in the office saying “ bom dia poderoso Elder Wiscomb” 'good moring powerful Elder Wiscomb…' which is what he said every day to me… but changes are good, it's something that happens in life... right.
And now we have a new president of our mission, President Ribeiro, who is awesome as well, different, but a good different. We got him on Thursday and we had the 2 zones here in the mission, come to the office and await his arrival…. We had me and my comp and the assistant get the door while the others hid and then we said "welcome to our mission" everyone left singing the mission hymn. It was quite cool. And then the day was followed with a meeting with him for about an hour… a little bit about him. He seems super intelligent, and he came to our mission with a vision of course, of how he is going to want to run it. (Which I like). He got here and immediately changed some things… he wants to get rid of all the houses that have 4 missionaries living in them, and switch to just 2, so we can stay focused! He his going to be a little bit more strict than president Myrrha, I think which will be good. He has decided to make every missionary leave the houses and work at 10:30, which I thought that was good! Usually they just leave after lunch so work doesn’t start until like 2. But nope now it starts at 10:30. How awesome is that! This is what I have thought about the whole change…
He has been called by God to this mission, which means he is going to be exactly what the mission needs, and it's our time to support him and to help him and everything he says…
The switch seemed all to fast, just like another transfer with a new companion here in the mission… but it will all workout.
This next week on Monday, we have conference and he has changed all conference too, it's going to be strait doctrine teaching and also practices… usually we had a part with sister Myrhaa, where she took us and did some activities, but now its going to be from 6 to 12 then lunch then 1-6 just practices so that should be different but I'm really excited… I think we will get to know him a little better after he settle downs a little bit and relaxes. You can tell he is a little overwhelmed and he should be haha. It’s a lot to take in…
Sister Ribeiro, oh man momma, she reminds me of how you would be on the mission!!! She is the exact opposite of sister Myrrah, she is so calm and just has the act of a mother!! Sister Myrahh had that, but she was known as the "enforcer" hahahah but just the way sister Ribeiro talks it’s just with love!!! I think she is the one that feels the most lost in all of this... leaving her home and her family. It’s going to take her some time to get everything under her belt but it will be great! It is going to be a great working process for her and after this month of traveling I think it will be me working with her so that should be fun!! When she got here (just for you guys to see how she us) I said "well I'm going to be the one that will be working with you so anything you need anything you want done you can talk to me." And she just looks at me with a smile and she’s like, "well I appreciate it, but I don’t have assistants, or secretaries, I just have 150 missionaries" haha. I thought that was pretty cute! But she is super nice and tender.
But some things got to me this week. Mom thanks so much for sending the ring and stuff. Well Emmy haha, it was a team work but thanks so much he absolutely loved it. So thanks so much!
And Jake I got your card and your wedding announcement and also the tie and letter. Dude thanks so much! Man your wedding announcement turned out amazing. This is going to sound to gay but it's beautiful, seriously! And the picture of you two is amazing too. And the tie, oh man its pretty too! Dude there is going to be no doubt in my mind that this wedding is going to be one in a million! Dude I love you so much and I hope that you guys have an amazing wedding!! I hear that it was one gorgeous night!!
One last thing, oh man I almost forgot. The mother and little sister of Sabrina came into town this week again!!!! Ahh I'm so happy to talk to them again! We taught her two lessens when she was here last time (2 weeks) ago and we taught her last night and we are going to their house tonight too, to teach them the plan of salvation! And I'm super excited!! This family its amazing how prepared and ready they are for the truth! They were saying that they are planning to move here, to Santa Maria, because where they were living, doesn’t have the church! They are in the process of finding someone to sell their house! I will have to tell you how tonight goes but last night was just amazing! She said everything that I hoped she would say! She has been reading the Book of Mormon and using the guide in the back and she was wondering what the D and C was so she got online and bought herself a triples. The work here in our area has been a little difficult so this is a huge relief! Kind of like an "awwwwww" if that makes sense"
This Church is true! It's something that I think I have always believed but now I testify to all who read that I have witnessed the miracles that come through the gospel! It is the most important thing here on the face of this Earth! It's the reason why we're are here. The Holy Ghost works in ways that are soft and gentle but are penetrating to the souls that are willing to accept. Its the only way that we will be able to understand, to search with an open heart, and willing to accept the reasons. If we will find our purpose of life. God will not lie. He will not lead us astray!
I love you all so very much. Thanks for everything for the letters and your words! I hope that you all have a great Saturday and a great week! Stay safe and pray always!
Love you,
Your son, brother, and missionary
Elder Wiscomb

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