Hello family how is everyone doing? It sounds like you are all amazing and that you guys had a great week!
BEFORE I START WITH ANYTHING MY P- DAY HAS CHNAGED!! IT’S NOW ON FRIDAY. President decided to give us the entire day to work on Saturday! What a blessing, its such a crucial day to invite everyone to church and stuff! I’m so happy for this so don’t forget everyone!!!
Well this week went by super fast. I don’t even know where it went. We have been working very hard, both in and outside the office and we are seeing the results! If everything goes according to plans we are going to have some baptisms coming up in the future which will be great!
Something crazy happened this week. As you all know Elder Muller isn’t the financial secretary any more, so he was just serving in the area for the mean time training a new missionary that just got here. Then president called him on Monday morning and said pack your bags you and Elder Jones, you both are going to Cruz Alta. so they left at 1 in the morning and then we were surprised when president brought one person here to this area… so two left and one came…
Right now there are three people living in our house me, Elder Felipe and Faccina. Its super, super fun but as you could guess when you have more than two people in the house its super hard to keep all the rules… just the little ones. Like going to bed on time… studying on time… leaving on time… just the little things and it provides a little bit more force every day… which is good I'm liking it… but I think that the others are getting a little bit bothered with me because I'm trying to do everything “right” ha-ha but whatever I don’t really care.
So with our teaching pool… we have a huge teaching pool, which is nice! And yesterday we filled the baptismal font! Ha-ha ya we had a baptism yesterday of a 17 year old girl name Alana which was awesome! She is so ready and will be a great member! She is super funny because she just could not decide out of us who she wanted to baptize her, she’s so sweet she didn’t want to make one of us feel bad ha-ha. People don’t get it that this is the last thing that is important to us! But she was so thrilled to see Elder Faccina who came the other day because then she would not have to make one of us two sad ha-ha.
And the next week and the next week if all goes according to plan we will have a couple more baptisms too. We have made a pretty high goal for these next couple transfers… but with faith anything is possible!
I had a crazy experience this week something that just shows that we have to following our promptings in our heart… so this week we were where knocking on doors and we were excepted by this old lady and we walked in and we saw the son of a man that we are teaching and long story short we taught there and it was great and then we left and I felt like I should call this man Claudio! The dad of the son that I saw at the lesson…. Anyway long story short I thought I should call him but I didn’t do it right in the hour. But we were on our way pretty much running to another appt… with a man name Claudiomir… (I hope everyone is following.) Anyway I was going through my phone and I was going to advise Claudiomir that we were coming and would be a little late but I accidentally called Claudio. That man I thought felt like I needed to call. I noticed that I was calling Claudo and not Claudiomir and so I hung-up but it had already rang about 5 times. And 30 seconds later I get a call back from Claudio…
So Claudio calls me super, super excited for some reason. This guy is a man we have been teaching forever but he isn’t married and he wasn’t able to make the choice to marry or not… but when he calls and the first ting he says…. Elder Wiscomb, what can I do to get the birth certificates. How do we do that.”? He was so excited and so we are going to start another process of marriage next week!
The way that people are touched when they really look to rely on our Heavenly Father to receive the confirmations that all of this is true is so strong! Is something that an individual isn’t able to deny! The gospel is so true, and it does have the power to change and modify the lives of anyone, on a whole different scale! It’s like that quote that says that God doesn’t see us as mortal humans but as the perfect resurrected beings that we are capable of being. After we receive the confirmation that the gospel is true through the Holy Ghost our minds are opened a loosened a little bit more and we can imagine what it would be like, what it would really be like to return and live with our Heavenly Father and our savior Jesus Cristo as perfect resurrected beings, living in eternal happiness!
I’m so grateful for the hand of the Lord in this work! It’s so visible because this truly is the Lord’s gospel and His church! And I'm so grateful to be His servant in this time of my life!
I love you all so much! Always know I'm here for all of you if anyone needs anything!
Loves and kisses!
Elder Wiscomb
D and C 130:20-21
P.S. guess what I'm going to do right now hahahahaha we are going to play paintball!!! I’m so stoked its going to be awesome!!! I can’t wait t o shoot people hahahah love you all!