Hello family!! How is everyone doing? Before anything, I would like to wish a happy birthday to the big birthday girl that is turning 15 today!!! Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Molly, happy birthday to you!
I hope that you have great day and have a great party tonight. Also thanks you all for your email and your photos and everything! I am so happy to hear that all is just great and that you guys had a great trip and that Katie and Elissa took advantage of the house when you guys were gone, ha-ha and that everything is just great! So thanks again! I have so much to talk about so I will just start strait away!
So this week has been such a crazy week. To be honest I don’t even know where to start. So this was the first week in the office with Elder Filipe and it’s been so much fun. I love my new comp he is from São Paulo and he is super, super intelligent and fun, you can just tell. We are going to have a great time together. And do some great work in this area
So this week was also transfer week. What a transfer, oh man hahaha. There were sooo many things that went, not wrong but not according to our plans…. So with the visa of Elder Abrham I had to do so many different things that I haven’t ever done before with the government and I was a little lost, but we figured it all out and now I feel pretty good about registering the new ones coming this next week so that’s nice… we have been running around just because of transfers and this whole visa confusion was one of the last things that I needed but it all turned out ok and he wasn’t imported hahahahaha just messing. But it went well, so that’s nice.
And if I didn’t already have enough on my plate for this week I had a situations with the people who were leaving… the sisters forgot their passports here in Santa Maria…. HOW DO YOU DO THAT?…. Oh man… so they missed their flight in Porto Alegre and I had to figure out to reschedule their planes and find a place for them to stay and stuff and call the airlines and their families oh man it was a big confusion so I was running around doing that too for the entire day on Tuesday.
I’ll just say this, I am sooo happy that this transfer week is over!! Whoop, whoop!!
Besides that, this was also a week that was pretty sad too. Elder Burnham, our AP and my best friend here on the mission, finished his mission. It was probably one of the hardest “goodbyes” I have ever done in my life! I have been fortunate enough to be with him my entire mission. I started with him in Livramento and stayed with him for 5 months there. Then I had a month and a little away from him and then we were here in the office together until the end of the mission. This kid is amazing. I hope that you guys are going to get a chance to meet him. Before he left he said he wanted to pass by and say what up because he is going to Salt Lake I think in two weeks or something. So if you get a call from a Zach Burnham its him ok.
Other than that we had those 3 baptisms. What a great day the 24th was. It was a day that I will never forget. The baptisms were just great but I think that the best part was at the end. After everything seeing Sabrina and Beatris and Luzia those three all hugging in a threesome and crying it was truly something that will never forget!! What a memorable day!
We had elder Abrahm stay will us for a week and then we left, another good friend on the mission and we are going to get 3 more Americans this next Friday so that will be fun but which means a lot more work for me. Which is good I guess ha-ha.
About the area… I don’t know what happened but we had a huge cut in our investigators this last couple weeks and we haven’t had much time to work because of transfers… so when Elder Felipe got here it was practically like starting all over again hahaha. We started with a couple investigators but we had to get out and find more! Which was exactly what we did. We are working really hard and finding good people! So the only thing that we need to do is to continue working and we are going to have some really good success here in this area! I’m super excited!
The mission; what a great opportunity to learn and to grow. Every house we stop by or we clap at is a new memory that I hold onto for the rest of my life… getting shut down or rejected was, and still is one of the hardest things that I have to deal with here on the mission… but ever time this happens, I become more grateful for the knowledge of the gospel and the blessings that I have obtained through the gospel of Christ! Sure, it’s one of the hardest things that I have ever done but you just need to laugh, and know that everything you do is for the benefit of others… this time in our life, ya is ours… but with the service of our fellow men, this is how I gain the force and the happiness to be far from house and from the ones I love…
People always ask me, “wow your from the United States, you’re far away from home. And you are doing this as a volunteer. I bet you are so homesick.” Yes all is true, long away from home that is true. A volunteer, ya that’s true too. But homesick, not really, actually not at all… I love to explain what is our “payment” or “salary” for doing this work. I always say that what we receive is so amazing that it doesn’t have value, in other words it’s priceless, the joy and the happiness that an individual or a family gains through our lesson and coming to know the true church is what makes us missionaries happier than ever. It’s what makes us put on this name tag, that has the name of Christ on it and it what makes us work harder then ever for just two years of my life!! Giving my testimony about this work is one of my most favorite things to do and I’m so grateful for the time that I have to be a missionary and pass through these difficult times, that if looked at in the right way its way more rewarding.
I love you all so much! Thanks for everything! Molly have a great birthday! And you all have a great week and a great day! Until next week!
Love you all!
Your son, brother, grandson and missionary
Elder Wiscomb
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