Hello family! How is everyone doing on this wonderful Saturday! I hope that everything is doing just great, thanks to everyone for all the emails!!
So first of all can your believe that I am on the down slope of my mission. I can’t believe it. My comp, elder Felipe and I were thinking about it the other night because we leave the same day together. That we aren’t going to ever say again! So this week has been a little crazy again… we had the counsel of the leaders here and we also had a huge “emergency transfer” that is what they are called now because we don’t have an established date for transfers… so our house was a huge party house again for some days but now it’s a little bit more calm and president and sister have been traveling again. They are going around training all the leaders of the districts here in the mission field and also the stake presidents. So the office has been filled with work but everything is going pretty smooth a little crazy but smooth at the same time…
This week, as for the work in the field, was a little crazy, well more like weird. To be honest, we were able to find all of these new investigators, but because of our work in the office something this week always came up at the last second, and we had to leave the office a little bit later, and a long story short, we haven’t been able to get that second visit with anyone… it’s so frustrating. We think that we have found a great family and we mark the time for 6, and for example we end up getting there at 6:35 and they are not there. Who knows maybe they never were going to be there or maybe they were there waiting for us at 6 and they thought that we weren’t going to come so they left… I hate being late to appointments… absolutely hate it, and it happened almost every day this week… ahhh…
And besides that, we had to take one day out of the week to do an emergency division because my comp had to go to the hospital with another missionary to pay the fee to do a little mini surgery. So, I went and worked with our assistant Elder Reis for a night. Ya it was awesome and we marked a date in there area but we lost an entire night of working in our area… ya maybe that doesn’t sound like that much, just one night… but its one night in our area that we lost with our investigators… one night really hurts the results of the week. Its super sad. But I have faith that the Lord will help us out with our weekly goals so that we can fulfill them and get some people to the sacrament meeting and on the road to becoming baptized and becoming part of the only true Church of Christ here on Earth.
Other than that, last Sunday here in Brazil was fathers day. It was pretty cool to go to church and to see the little ones come into priesthood meeting and sing to their fathers and stuff it was super cute. And also we got treated to dinner at President and Sister Ribeiros house. It was a blast to sit there and cook with Sister Ribeiro. She is awesome and to talk with president, it was great. What a great treat and I hope that you guys won’t get mad at me… but President and Sister Ribeiro decided to let my comp call his father for fathers day ha-ha which was followed by invitation for me to call you guys. I sat down for a second to think this over for a bit…. as much as a wanted to (oh and I really wanted to ha-ha) I thought that would be way unfair for me to be able to call you guys on just a normal day in the United States when literally no one else in the entire mission was getting that opportunity… so I declined the offer... I also figured that Christmas will come soon enough, which is crazy.
Family! This work, this gospel is sooo important! It’s the only way that we can have the chance to return and live with our Heavenly Father’s kingdom! I have learned this week that we can sit in the front of people and show doctrine to them, the exact doctrine in the Bible that was written by the prophets of old. We can show them the knowledge that we have gained about the true church of Christ, about Christ’s examples and how they were perfect, and should be followed and not changed. We could argue with the people. We could sit there and get mad at them when they try and throw their beliefs at us, but to be honest none of this is the best way to teach… you have to be in tune with the spirit and let Him work through you. Of course, you have to teach the doctrine but it has to be simple and clear… and then after, the only thing left is to share how you know it is true… bearing testimony is the most important part of everything. It’s the time that you give to the spirit to work through you, on the investigators. I am so grateful for the testimony that I have gained here on the mission. Something that I feel can’t ever be challenged won’t ever be changed! It’s something that has created who I am and I'm so grateful for my Heavenly Father who had made these things clear to me and He will make His gospel clear to everyone and anyone who asks!! That is the big part just to ask!
Ah, I have so much I want to say but my time is up!
Family I love you guys all so much thanks for your influence in my life! You are all so special to me I can’t believe that I will never be able to say I will have another August 14th on the mission again… it’s so sad!!! I am so excited for this next year! Ya it’s going by too fast but I just think about it this way!! 364 more days to work with the spirit to changes lives forever!! I’m not going to let one-day slip!!! Love you all sooo much!!! Big hug and kiss to all!
Ecclesiastes 3:14
Love your son, brother, grandson, and missionary
Elder Wiscomb
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