Hey family!!! Thanks soo much for all of your emails!! Ah I love them so much but I don’t have much time so I'm gong to get right down to it.
So this week has been a little more calm which has been nice. Once again we have had some people that were transferred because of the coming of the 3 new Americans that arrived here last night. So this week really just consisted of preparing for them…and talking to the AP and SECS in the Porto Alegre north mission. But other than that just getting things organized to take those three to get registered here in Brazil but that’s all about it here in the office.
We have had some fun things actually, we got a chance to leave and lunch with President Ribiero and stuff, and we got to have a special training from him too, yesterday, which was pretty cool. He sat us down and showed us how to do it, and practically said that we need to start teaching and following from preach my gospel. We have always followed it, but we just add some things here and there and also take some things out just to make it more full of doctrine and stuff. But now it’s more simple and more direct, the way it should be. And more focused on the restoration which is something that I agree with!
Other than that, something really funny happened too that made me feel super weird hahaha. Sister Ribeiro has now made a facebook account, hahaha but she has all these moms trying to talk to her in English and me being one of the only Americans in the office she wanted me to translate for her and also to write the people back when she talked… so ya I have know been playing around on facebook on my mission... I'm not going to lie it was super, super weird ha.
So new stuff. The work here in the field is going pretty well. We are finding more people every day, which is nice. We are really enthusiastic about how the work’s going and I hope that things keep on increasing in all aspects.
Something also really, really cool happened this week. Our branch turned into a ward! How cool is that! If feels really cool to have helped this branch finally reach their goal to turn into ward. This has had some affects though. A switch from a branch to a ward means a switch in the leadership and this has hurt some hearts of some recent converts. Our old president of the branch, President Marcos, he is one of the most amazing men that you would ever meet and him not being the leader of this branch has hurt some people but the new bishop, Bishop Marcos is amazing too!
So right now, in our house we have 5 elders… ya its pretty freaking crazy! We have a new elder that got here yesterday elder Jones, and elder Muller, elder Felipe, and elder Foster who has a problem with his knee… so us five in the house… ya its pretty crazy. This should only be for a couple weeks maybe one more month, then they will leave. But I think there will always stay 4 people in the house now and in our area…
One more week in the mission I can’t believe it. By this time next week I will be writing exactly one year in the mission oh man… I am going to be on the down slope… I can’t believe how fast it has gone by.
But anyway I love you all so much!! I hope that everyone is happy and safe!! Love you all with all my heart and you guys have a great week
Love your son, brother, grandson, and missionary
Elder Wiscomb
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