Week 62, October 15, 2010
Hello family, how is everyone doing? I hope that all is great and that you guys are just have a fabulous week! So let’s get started! Ha-ha
So first off, what a great week! Sunday was one of the best Sundays here on the mission. So this last weekend was a holiday weekend here in Brazil. It was the day of the children on Tuesday so when Friday came last week everyone left! This city being a college city, I believe that everyone went home or just traveled because it felt like for about 4 days the city was empty.
So, Sunday what happened, we got invited to go eat lunch at presidents and sisters Ribeiros house because their children are in town. So that was pretty fun an then sister Ribeiro surprised us by making funeral potatoes, oh man it was sooooooooooooooo good one of the best meals I have ever eaten on the mission!!!!! And then we had to leave and fill up the baptismal font! Ya, we had some baptisms Sunday afternoon, which was awesome!
We had the baptism of Irmã Salete and her daughter Silva, along with 2 other young women that Irmã Selete practically has adopted, Angelica, and Angelita! It was such a blessing to see them enter into the waters of baptism! It has been a super long process with a bunch of teaching and reteaching and explaining about doctrine that was pretty deep. Half the stuff we taught I haven’t ever had to teach to anyone because quite frankly it stuff that no one ever thinks about. But this woman is sooooooo smart it’s unbelievable! She is someone that really understood and asked some questions that showed she understood! So it was a great day!!
Also something really cool happened this week! So I get a call from a member, João, who is part of the stake presidency here and he starts talking to me and says that he had someone by his side that wanted to talk to me… so he hands the phone over and a guy starts to talk in English and I was huhhh… what’s going on… ya long story short there are two American farm boys here that are 21 years old from Kansas that are doing an exchange program for agriculture here in Santa Maria. And at the place that they are living, the doorman asked them if they have already talked to the other Americans here in Santa Maria (us missionaries). They said no and he pointed them to the stake center…. And that’s where we were called…
So what happened was I ended up talking to them and gave them the address here, the office, and told them to pass by when they could just to talk and what not… not thinking that they would come that very day… well they did. And it was Monday the day that it was p day for the rest of the mission but they ended up coming before everyone got here… I started talking to them and just made a friendship and then after we were talking for about 20 minutes came the questions…. What are you guys doing here? (A great conversation starter) ha-ha… so I explain and we start talking…. We just happen to have one copy of the pamphlets Gospel of Christ, restoration, and plan of salvation here in the office in English, and I was showing him around and he asked if he could read them and I said he could have them, then more questions came!!!
So before I start saying anything else, these farmer boys are Baptists from Kansas ha! So they know the Bible really well and they start asking us these questions that are awesome!
Where is the source of all happiness?
Does there only exist Heaven and Hell?
What happens to us after this life?
What happens to the people who aren’t baptized here on Earth?
These questions that we love to answer. And to be honest he was asking all these questions and I didn’t want to answer all of them because were weren’t in a good atmosphere and were weren’t in the spirit of prayer if that makes sense. But he truly wanted to find out… so long story short I answered his questions but I just answered very briefly and said “that is what we do as missionaries, we help people find answers to these questions” and I got his address and said we would pass by… well his address is about 2 roads outside of our boundaries and into the AP's… and when were leaving everyone got here and then here comes the part that kind of makes me sad…
They were leaving and then arrives everyone and starts talking to them and they want to convert them right on the very moment and start to say some things that I was saying and then they went into more depth. So, by the time they left… for example I talked with him for about 30-40 minutes most of the time just making a friendship and stuff… and then they stayed another hour practically being taught by the others… oh man… what can you do hahaha… they heard about everything we have to teach… the gospel of Christ, the restorations, the book of Mormon, along with the plan of salvations, and kingdoms of God, and they just started to throw scriptures at him too. So ya hahahahaha he has already been taught about everything and even worse I was kind of sad because our AP found out that it was in his area so he took it… but whatever…. I'm sure that he did a great job
But it was cool to make a friendship with an American here in Brazil ha-ha… and I really would have really liked trying to teach him in English but… what can you do.
Something really cool that we did today is that we played paintball again hahaha!!! And we ended up inviting them to come play and they came and saw the “normal side of us hahahahaha” yes and also the competitive side too hahaha.. so it was good! They sure like kicking it with us, and there is know doubt in my mind that the Lord will answer their prayers before they go back on Christmas Eve… it will be cool to watch the progress!!
So anyway the work is going just great! And we are trying to work hard, although sometimes we have to get some stuff figured out with transfers and what not, but something is for sure. The work never stops!!!
I love you guys so much and I'm so grateful for all of you in my life! Thanks so much for your help and you love that you have shown me! Have a fabulous week!
Love your
Son, brother, grandson and missionary
Elder Wiscomb
James 1:12
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