Hello family!! How are you all of you guys doing? I hope that everything is just going amazingly back in the good old US of A… hahahaha… but everything here in Brazil is just amazing! So let's just start off from the beginning of the week, all right.
So this week started off pretty well! Every Sunday is like the craziest days in the world! We have to wake up super early every Sunday just to get out the door to pick up our investigators to get them to come to church. And for those who have been missionaries you know that sometimes the plans that we have don’t really go according to plan ha-ha…. So this last week we are teaching a family, a dad mom and 2 daughters and every week they said they will go but they don’t need us to come get them because they have a car. And almost every week something comes up and they don’t come. But this last week was a little different.
We were on our way to church and I got a call from one of the daughters and she said “Elder Wiscomb we are coming so be waiting in the front ok”… so I didn’t even go inside I just let our investigators go in and I waited outside for our others. And the meeting starts and they show up about 10 minutes late and there just happens to be a bench in the front of the chapel. So the family files in and I sit in front of them on the front bench of the chapel and I look up on the stand and “SURPRISE!!! ” we had visitors……… ya sitting on the pulpit was President Ribeiro and a member of the area 70 was there… what a crazy thing to see hahaha. President just gives us a wink hahaha and mouths “bom trabalho” ha-ha good work… funny.
Well then things start to get interesting… this member of the 70 is sooooooooo animated and he is literally yelling from the pulpit hahaha preaching from there talking about faith and family night and scripture study and tithing and prayer and how all of these things will keep us on the path of righteousness. It was the crazies sacrament meetings I have ever been too. It was kind of like a comedy. Everyone was laughing and stuff. Felt like I was in a igraja evangelhica hahaha oh man. I thought it was going to be a disaster… but long story short the family liked it hahaha… they thought that it was amazing and they thought that the area representative talked amazing about tithing and stuff. We are going to go there tomorrow night so I hope it goes according to our plans!!!
But other than that this week was one of the craziest weeks in the office… the transfers got to us on the day of the transfers because I MOS (the mission program) was down. So we had no way to look at it... it was just a big confusion… and then we were running around on top of everything ahhh one week I don’t ever want to do again. But that’s alight it already passed… it's been a pretty rough week with the teaching too. We haven’t been able to get out and teach that much because something always comes up and we have to fix it… but that’s all right, it’s been a big week on working with my patience hahaha!
Family I just wanted to let you guys know that I love you all sooooo much this church is true there is no doubt in my mind! I love you all and I hope that you all can fell my love their in US or whatever you may be! I’m so great full for all of your advice and love that you always show me… and just remember to do what Elder Uchdorf said. To slow down and to appreciate life. Time, and our lives pass by so fast. And soon enough it’s all going to be over… think about it. Think about if we are all on the right “road” back to Christ. The one road that returns to live with our Heavily father again. I’m so grateful for all I have learned and for the chance I have to share it with everyone I know! I love this work and I love this gospel and our leaders! I loved our prophet and our apostles and I'm so grateful for their guidance for us in these hard days!! Just remember to give head to the word of the prophets and we will not be led astray… when we do that we are giving head to the word of God, and His will for us, His children on Earth. Never forget!
I love you all so much and thanks for everything! I hope all is going well and never forget that I am here for you all if you need anything! Love you and have a great week!
Elder Wiscomb
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