Hello everyone!!! How is everyone doing on this wonderful October afternoon! So first off Happy Halloween!!! I’m sure it’s going to be a fabulous day! Here, we didn’t end up getting something going because we have been so busy but that’s ok… so what has happened this week…
So first off we have been working so hard, and its so crazy because I am trying to figure out what I can tell you and it's all a blur in the moment because this week flew by all so fast. It’s kind of crazy! But I had a pretty cool story to tell you guys that happened this last week!
We are teaching the son of a recent convert and he has a problem with drinking and smoking and stuff and he finally decided to let those both go… so we went there and we decided to teach the restoration… we started teaching and I had the idea to teach in a different style… we practically acted out the message of the restoration hahaha it is so much fun to do and the people love it…
So this is how we did it. We start teaching normal. We talk about God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost… about how though pray, God gives us a way to keep this connection with Him. We talked about the importance of families (which was really cool because in this lesson we had about 20 people and they were all family so that was awesome) and we talked about the benefits of the family, or the reason why God has given a family to everyone that has come to this Earth. After that we talk about Christ and His examples, baptism, and the Church of God that Christ organized when He was here on Earth with a prophet, 12 apostles and the authority of God.
Know it starts to get fun… we started to talk about when Christ organized the church of God here on Earth, the church was the source of the light of God here on Earth, then when we talked about the great dark ages or the “apostasy” that the bible talks about, when Christ was crucified and the people killed the 12 Apostles… this is a part super important for anyone to understand. When this happened it was if the light of God or truth was taken from the world… the world fell into the “dark ages” and in this moment we turned off all the lights (we were right by the light switch, and it was night) so it was pitch black in the house… we started to explain the promise that is in Acts 3, and how God would call another prophet in our days. How God wouldn’t leave the world in this darkness!!
So my comp was talking about Joseph Smith, his history and he was going to pass it to me for the first vision and the rest of Joseph Smith… and that night we were in a threesome with Elder Abraham who was here to take out his wisdom teeth the next day… and I told him to grab my phone and when “shine” it on me for the first vision…. So when my comp was ready to pass it to me I got on my knees and as if I was Joseph and I said what he said with of our phone (which is practically a flash light) as the “pillow of light”…. I know what you guys are thinking. It's cheesy, maybe some are thinking that we shouldn’t do that but it truly is such an amazing way to teach the restoration. The people love it and they understand it better because you draw their attention!!!
Anyway the message was amazing and Tiago said that he wants to get baptized but not till next year… he’s a character… hahahaha… but we will just have to talk to him…
Anyway something really cool happened after. It truly was a message where the sprit was so strong and during the closing pray a little girl in the family that has 5 years, came up and gave me the cheek and whispered in my ear “Obrigada Elder Smile, te-amo” I'm not going lie I left that house feeling so good!!!! An experience that will never forget!!!
Well this next week we should have a great day on the 5 and 6. We will see what happens I'll give you the updates the next week!!! I hope it all goes according to plan hahaha!
But family I want you all to know that I love this work and I'm so happy to be a missionary of our Heavenly Father!! It’s a great pleasure to serve Him and to spread His gospel and love! I’m so grateful for you all! For your love that you all show me.
My time is up. I used it all telling that story hahaha I hope it made sense!!
But I love you all with all my heart and thanks again! You guys all have a great week and a Happy Halloween!!!! Boo!! Ha-ha
Elder Wiscomb
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