Hello family how is everything and everyone doing? Thanks so much for all of your emails and the updates! You all sound so happy! It sounds likes this weekend and week will be a big one their in the Utah area!
So family so this week was super crazy! So, it was the week of renewing the visas for some Americans and also on Tuesday it was a holiday here… the day of the dead. So I called some people in from the different cities to do it (renew visa’s) and who would have known the federal police station was going to be closed on Monday too…. So that was just the start of a long week… because of that, we had 5 elders here with us for about 3 days. So we did a bunch of divisions and stuff, which was fun!
Then when we went back Wednesday we just walked in and the people like freaked out at us… saying “ah no, we are without time to do you guys today… there are a bunch of Brazilians here and they have priority before you guys… you guys need to come back in the tarde.” So ya… know what, I’m not going to lie I was kind of frustrated I wanted to say some stuff to them because they seriously were soooooooo rude to us their… I don’t know why… its got to be the church or something, or maybe its because we are Americans but whatever… that’s alright… so I went back and president saw I was pretty frustrated and he called me in and was like what happen… I talked to him and he said that he wanted to go with us later that day… so he came and they were totally different people it was unbelievable…. Huh… I was thinking. Maybe I should wear my suit or something, look more official if you know what I mean ha-ha. Who knows maybe it would help.
So we got that all figured out which was a blessing! And with the work this week it’s been pretty good too!! As you guys have seen we had another casamento (marriage) today! What a blessing this one was! Claudio and Juliano, it’s a long story with them! We found them about 6 and ½ months ago. When we found them he was just stopping to use drugs and alcohol and Juliana smoked about 2 packs of cigarettes a week! So many times we thought that it was going to be a lost cause, that they just liked our presence in their life and in their house… but the Lord really worked a miracle in their lives!! We taught and taught and re-taught all the messages and they sunk deep into their hearts! They are sooo strong it is amazing! I love these two with all my heart and tomorrows going to be one of the best days in my mission for sure!!
Tomorrow there is going to be their baptism! I am going to see someone that I baptized, baptize his best friend! Have you thought about that!! Oh my gosh!! How amazing is that! I can’t wait, it’s going to be something to remember!
We are also planning on bringing a family that we have been working with for a little bit to the baptism as well! A family of 4, which is awesome! I hope it all goes great.
The work here in Ala Centro is going so well! Besides all of this the families that we are working with and stuff, I had a great experience this week. During one of the division we were doing this week, we were going to some meetings that we had marked… well long story short they fell…. Everything… WELCOME TO MISSIONARY WORK EVERYONE hahahahaha… we have these days sometimes but you just have to laugh and keep going… well anyway, I remember a street in our area. Is the only street in the entire area that I haven’t knocked? I don’t know why I didn’t have the chance to knock it but we always just passed in front of it running between meetings… so I thought lets go there.
We started knocking… we knock and knock and the road started off normal. Getting rejected door after door hahaha. Then we get about 3/4ths of the road and this women comes out smiles and invites us in… a little after about 5 minutes her husband gets home, and a little bit after that their son gets home… I was with Elder Witt another American and I not going to lie. It wasn't the prettiest of lessons…. It was hot and we had walked for about 3 hours and to be honest my mind was tired… but we taught and got our point across and they understood and loved it…
Anyway the Spirit of the Lord was really, really working that day… after the lesson the husband looked at me and said “how did you get here, who sent you guys here?” and I said that I have always wanted to knock on this street and I just hadn’t had the chance yet… and he said “I don’t believe that you guys came here just to come, I believe that you guys came for a reason” it was like that family was waiting!!! What a blessing it is to have the Lord on our side working threw us!! The Lord is the best teacher in the world! He knows all! Knows His Gospel of course better then anyone else… knows how to teach, He knows his children (us), He knows where they are at all times and who is prepared and is waiting for the truth in their life…. He knows in what ways His children are going to need to be taught by the Holy Ghost. He knows show to show His children that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is His church on Earth! It’s a blessing to have Him on our team! We are going back to that family in about 5 hours so it should be good!
I love you all so much and I know that God has the power and is just waiting to show whatever type of person that what we do is true. He is waiting to show everyone were to find happiness and eternal life! That is the blessing that we as missionaries carry with us. It’s why we leave for two years and embark in the amazing work with the Lord!
Fam, I love you all so much! You guys are the best! Always remember I'm praying for you guys always! Have an awesome week!
Elder Wiscomb
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