Week 67 November 19, 2010
Hello family how is everyone doing on this wonderful Friday afternoon! I hope that all is well and that you guys are staying worm ha-ha. I hear that its starting to get pretty cold there, quite the opposite of here. Here its starting to get hotter than ever and it's not even summer yet... here in Santa Maria it's one of the hottest places in our mission because its like a hole... we are surrounded by mountains.... and here it truly is starting to look, not feel, but look like Christmas... the decorations are going up. In the center and in the shopping and everywhere the Christmas trees are raising ha-ha! It’s getting pretty cool! When it gets all ready, I will take some pictures and send them to you!
Well this week, can you believe that another week passed by! First of all thanks so much for the emails of you guys! Ever week I feel so blessed to have such an amazing family! But thinking back on this week so much has happened it’s been pretty cool!
So this last Saturday we had another amazing lesson! We are teaching this family of 4, its a dad, his wife and 2 daughters. They are really good investigators and they like our messages and they have gone to church a couple times the mom and one of the daughters... but its been pretty difficult to take the dad to church... so we decided that we needed to teach the restoration again and pass the film... so we did and the spirit was sooo strong! The dad liked it so much and during the film he started to cry and said that he believes... well he believed but that next Sunday he already had some work arranged that he had to do. He is like the handyman. He is a workaholic ha-ha.
This last week we have been helping a little bit... with some service projects. We helped him build a patio. Lay cement and stuff which was pretty fun but we didn’t really get a chance to teach him because it took so much time. Well after we helped him 2 days ago we were talking to him and he said this weekend I'm not going to nothing, I am going to just relax and go to church!!!! I thought that we weren’t going to have any progress with him because we didn’t teach but then the thought popped into my head "God helps those who help"... "Deus ajuda aqueles quem ajudem" it's so true! Through our love and help that we showed him, he felt the spirit and the love we have for them. Maybe that was the difference, maybe that is what he needed to show that we truly carry the message that can change people’s lives!
Also something pretty crazy happened this week... it feels like everything that we ask our Heavenly Father he blesses us with it! The other day we were sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo far away from everything... we had to go to an investigators house that was about and hour away from everything we were so far that we didn’t even have service on our phones and we always get service... well anyway we had another appointment at 7:30 and it was 7:10 and we were so far away... and we started to practically run back... and I was thinking I will just say a pray that a member or someone we know for some chance would drive by here and give us ride.. Well I said a prayer and not 1 minute later there was car that was coming strait at us and Elder Felipe said jokingly "olha... não parece o carro de João o careca" (look, doesn’t that look like bald headed John?) and then the car started to come strait at us like it was going to hit us. And who was it.... it was bald headed John in our ward... I truly didn't believe it!!!!!! The Lord is blessing us in every way even a prayer for a ride!!!
I am so grateful for everything that I have in my life! For you all at home, my family, for this work, for the gospel, for the chance we all have to return and live with our Heavenly Father again, for my friends, the friendships I have made in the mission, for the chance to see changes, for repentance and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, I could go on listing everything that I am grateful for but this email would probably turn into a book! I hope that all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!! It's going to be a special day and don’t forget to thank our Heavenly Father for everything that you have!
I love you all so much and you guys have a great week!!!
This church is true!
Elder Wiscomb
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