Hello family, how are you all doing on this wonderful weekend! Thanks so much for all of your wonderful emails, I sure love hearing from you all! So thanks again!
So FAM, what an amazing weekend wasn’t it! We had the chance to hear the wonderful words of the prophets and the apostles and receive the guidance of the Lord that was instantly passed through them! There is no doubt in my mind that the members and the world heard exactly what the Lord wanted them to hear, and surprisingly, it seam like the world is pretty wicked at this moment ha…
I don’t know if you guys understood it the same way I did, but there seemed to be a lot of warning and advice about transgression and sin! How we all need to believe and follow the words and the counsels of the living prophet of our days, Thomas S. Monson and we need to act and all need to prepare to serve missions!!! Both men, and women if they would choose, along with elderly couples when circumstances shall give a chance. And how do we do that… it was given sooo clearly… stay away from the filthiness of the world (drugs and gambling, pornography and many other sinful worldly gratification) and give head to the guidance of the Holy Ghost in our life. I absolutely love it when it was said actually “warned” by Elder Bednar, the Holy Ghost literally avoids our presence when we are part of these sinful acts. And I believe living without the Holy Ghost in our lives, we are walking blind in a world of Lucifer’s obstacles, which can so easy push us off the path of God!
Ahhh it passed so fast (conference that is). Hearing the tabernacle choir, feeling the love of the leaders of the church who care so much for us! I believe they understand the plan of our God so deeply that they would do anything they could to pull us back to the presence of our God, to partake of the blessings that are waiting for us. We have at this point in our lives tasted just 1/100000000000000000000000000000000000000000% of the possible blessing, which we could have. Think about the life we could and will have in the presence of God in the Celestial Kingdom! These blessings, which will be shared with an eternal family. This is the ultimate goal of life on earth. It's what we should be aiming for… we need to forget the worldly things and start thinking of what really is important!
The world better have learned because it was truly was passed super clearly and strongly, that we all need to stop being strapped down by whatever addiction we have and need to repent and listen to the prophet! The Lord can and will free those who are addicted, we can all be saved through the atoning sacrifice of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Just believe and trust in His guidance through is Prophet and apostles and we can’t be lead astray!
I just can't stop thinking of conference it was just amazing
But other than that, the work here in the office and in the field is going good. We took so many people to conference and their questions were answered and we are trying to find more every day! The center is starting to be a little difficult to find new investigators because it’s mostly all apartments where you can't enter without a key to two doors so we have to just relay on faith and guidance of the Lord! But there is now doubt that He will lead us to the people waiting to here the truth!
This next week is the last week in the transfer so I'll be finding out what’s going to happen... if I will stay or not... we will see.... ha-ha. Its gong to be interesting. But we are getting some Americans this next week from the U.S. so that means a lot more work for me. And the work in the field just continues!!
I'm so grateful for this gospel and the for the guidance that we have in our lives through the words of the prophets and the Holy Ghost!! Without the gospel there is no doubt in my mind that the world would be lost and I life would be without a purpose! But with the guidance of the prophet and with the scriptures we know that our life here on Earth is a preparation to return and live with our Father in Heaven again, and this is something that everyone obviously wants!! So act today, listen to the prophets, believe in the prophet Thomas S. Monson and the 12 Apostles, and flee from all temptation... quite frankly it’s the only way back
I love you all so much and I'm so grateful for this gospel and for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the kingdom of God here on Earth! I'm so grateful for my family! Hugs and kissed to you all
Got to go but thank for everything and until next week!
Your son, brother, grandson, and missionary
Elder Wiscomb
D and C 1:30
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