Hello family!!! How are all of you doing on this wonderful March day! I hope that all of you guys are just great and getting ready for general conference here in a couple weeks! Wahoo! Ha-ha, I'm so excited to hear the words of the prophets and see what the Lord wants us to here and apply in our lives! It is always such a great time to take investigators to really see who the leaders of the church of Jesus Christ are, here are on earth! So, be preparing yourselves!
This week has been such an amazing week! We have truly seen the hand of the Lord in our work this week, it's been probably one of the best weeks I have had in my entire mission! To start off, we have a huge teaching pool in this moment, so what we have been trying to do is really focus on the people who we have! Last week I talked a little bit about Omar and Lola who are two grandparents and how they are super special and we visited him a couple times this week and Omar has been super busy! He works with recycling metal and other things like that so he has to go to cities that are close to Cruz Alta and pick up the metal so he is always on the road! Anyway, we taught him about The Book Of Mormon and he understood everything, he truly is so smart! And at the end he made it very clear that when he receives his answer that this church is true he wont need us to tell him that he needs to be baptized ha-ha… he said that he will tell us, “now I am ready, baptize me ha-ha” but the only problem is, is that he is the old stubborn type of man ha-ha! If that makes sense! He even said that he knows that he will be baptized and be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ one day but he just doesn’t know when…. So that’s where it ended with him this week… this week he is going to be traveling the entire week… so that's a bummer, but we will go back next week…
Thursday was by far one of the best days in the mission; it was truly one of the most spiritual days too! One more time we felt the Lord working with us, which always is such an amazing experience….
Thursday night, it was 8 PM and we have to be in the house at 9: 30… the night before in our planning I felt like we needed to contact a person that I did a contact with in the other area during a division that’s name Paulo that is only home after 8, and also a family that we did a contact with some time ago that we know as the Japanese family. (The names are difficult ha.). But its was 8 at night and we also had to talk with a less active to figure out a family night that he wanted to do this next weekend to celebrate his wife’s birthday… the option that seems more “relaxing” more “sure to happen” would have been go to the less actives house and plan the family night but we both felt like we needed to go to those two families and see if they would be in there house so we went…
So we crossed our entire area, and we contacted Paulo and Silvania first… happened to be that it s a family that’s legally married and they accepted us amazingly… we did a prayer and the wife (Silviania) just couldn’t stop smiling! We talked a little bit and we remarked to come back and teach a lesson about our savior Jesus Christ tonight at 8! So am super excited about this appointment tonight!
When we were on our way home it was 9:15 and we passed in front of the house of the Japanese family and we thought… “Ahh it’s late and we are tired and we shouldn’t even knock on the door at this time of the night…. Let's just go home… ha-ha”. But the lights of the house were on and we both felt like we needed to knock, so we returned to the house and we knocked on the door! That knocked turned into one of the best experiences in the mission!
This Japanese family (Ticaco and Mineite) they are directly from Japan and they came here when they both had 15 years of age or around there…. The wife (Ticaco) has lived here ever since, but the husband (Mineite) returned to Japan and worked there for 10 years and moved back here 5 years ago! This family oh my gosh is super special!!!
The Wife opened the door and invited us to enter the house. When we entered the house the husband was watching the television on the disaster that had happened in Japan and he came running to us with a huge smile on his face and shook our hand! We started to talk then they ask us if we were hungry and stuff and we said “no” because we only had 10 minutes to do a prayer there…. Anyway the way of the Japanese hahaha…. Ya….. The husband insisted in ordering pizza… so he was running around trying to find the number of the pizza place and he couldn't find it and so he left to buy pizza…. Ha-ha it was so funny… so while he was gone we talked with his wife, and she went to the other room for a little bit then came back with a super old Japanese couple…. It was her parents!
The parents of Ticaco live there too! They both have 94 years of age and he served in World War 2 they shook our hand and bowed to us and stuff they think that they are living in Japan hahahaha because they only speak Japanese and stuff and they only stay in the house hahaha… but it was soooo awesome!!!
Then Mineite came back (now 9:45) and he said could you wait 30 minutes the pizza coming… hahahaha…. We had to say ya… so we just talked and stuff and we found out that they have so much family there in Japan and they are super worried about them! They have 2 sons that are there and they haven’t been able to talk to them and we talked about everything it was such an amazing night! We gained 2 new friends that night from Japan hahaha!!! And they offered us to come over on Sunday and eat a Churrasco with them!!! So we did
Sunday when we went there, we lunched at there house and talked more, and then we thanked by leaving our first message! I guess that in Japan they are mostly Buddhist or something but they have been living here in Brazil so they are Catholic but really they are nothing hahaha! To be honest the wife doesn't know anything! It was just like in the story of Amon and his brothers teaching the Laminates about the Great Spirit hahah, which is Deus! It was sooooo awesome! And we sang a song the Spirit was soooooooooooooooooooooo strong was unbelievable! Oh man! We have been thinking so much about how we are going to teach them and we have been convinced that with them they are going to need to really feel the spirit more than actually learning about it because they don’t quite understand anything about Christian religions! But I'm excited to continue to see their progress!
This was amazing gosh there was another story with a family Luis and Angela who we found and they were just waiting for us!!! They were prepared by the Lord to receive His gospel and there is no doubt in my mind that they will be amazing members of His church!!
The gospel is so amazing! It brings “true” happiness to our lives and I know that! I am so grateful to be able to share to all those who listen, the gospel of Jesus Christ and He made it possible for us to return to our Heavily Father with our families! I know that this is true! And I known that it's possible for anyone to have this happiness and joy that I feel, and have in my life! It's really simple, just follows Christ and be part of His church, which is lead by a prophet of God!
I love you all with all my heart and I hope that you guys have a great week!!!
Love you all
Elder Wiscomb
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