Family how are all of you guys doing on this wonderful March afternoon! I hear that its getting warming and its starting to look like spring, and I’m sure that all of you guys are just loving that!! Well dad and mom took of to Palm Springs… which left Katie and Molly in the house… oh gosh… watch out hahahahaha… Molly and Katie take advantage ha!! Just kidding!
Well this week was a great week! Carnival had stopped which is so nice and we were able to work really hard!! So starting on Tuesday let's just say I started out working hard in a different area for half the week hahahaha. It was divisions week again!
So I went to help out the Elders in the Center! So I got there and we were planning, and to be honest their teaching group was super small, which was making the work hard for them… so we started working with that!! On divisions its pretty funny because you have to work the hardest, literally the hardest that you can to help the area of a different person! And I am convinced that when you do that the Lord will bless you in your area!! So I just went to work in the area in the Centro with one of my best friends here Elder Garrett!!!
He is from California and he is such a stud! I remember when her got here I was in the office and we got to work a little bit in Santa Maria together, and who would have thought we would have been working together again for a couple days in Cruz Alta hahaha! Well anyway we started to work that day we taught 8 lessons 3 with member, and we marked a couple dates for them!!! It was such a great day and the Lord was really leading us to find people and to teach the entire day!!!
Then the next day I did divisions with an Elder named Elder Nascimento… he has about 9 months on the mission and I felt so bad for him because he has received some pretty difficult comps which haven’t let him teach and progress the way he should have as a missionary… this was the first time that I taught with him, and he just didn’t really have any confidence… so what I did is that I said… “I'm here just to follow you and be your wing man… this is your area and so its you that says what to do” he was a little nervous at first, but in one day I saw huge progress in his teaching and in his confidence… that day we taught 10 lessons… oh gosh I got home that night literally dead!!! But it was amazing to see how the Lord blessed that area when we worked super hard and it also made them super, super excited to work, which was good!!!
While I was their in the other area, I didn’t really keep track with my area because I wanted to focus in helping the others but I knew that we had a date that was marked for this last Saturday and I was just praying every thing that everything would go according to plan and that a 19 year old boy Juliano would be baptized!!! Well everything when according to plan and he was baptized and it was a super, super special day!! After I gave him a shirt and a tie hahahaha! He loved it! He’s such a good kid and we have seen such a huge change in his heart! He stopped drinking/ partying/ smoking/ and doing bad things with young women and it all started with the desire of his aunt (liamara), which is a member of the church! Really the example that an individual has on a family member or friend is soooooooo strong!!!
Also this week me and Elder all we were praying on behalf of what we could do to make the zone get excited and try and help them see the success that they are wanting! We decided to do a zone fast this last Thursday and a big conference called with 18 missionaries to do a zone prayer!!! This really was such blessing for the zone! We are seeing the Lords hand so much in this work at this moment and I hope that the missionaries in our zone will be quick to thank the Lord for the success that they are seeing!!!!
In our area we are starting to find some families, really special! Most of these families we passed by to do the prayer message and this next week we are going to go back to teach them for the second time so be praying that all will go according to plan!
But this last week the highlight of the week would be this old couple with the names of Omar and Lola! These two are so special!! They are part of a family that has been part of the church for 3 years know that live behind our house! A little while back Oimar was in the hospital almost dying and we went to give him a blessing and when he got better he allowed us go to his house and to visit him! He is a very sincere man! And very big!!! Ha-ha! But he is of that age super hard headed! He has a very firm opinion and to be honest the way he thinks is exactly how we think! So we went there and we taught the restoration and it as really good and he said that he will go to church and he went!!!!
Everyone at church was saying “look, it took two Americans to take Omar to church hahahahaha” funny huh!! But he is super awesome!
It just happened to be that this sacrament meeting the young women would sing a song and he has 3 granddaughters that are super strong in the church and when they were singing I looked over and he had a huge smile one his face and was wiping tears from his eyes!!! He loved it!!! What a blessing!! Also I talked again at church funny huh… hahaha
It is such a blessing for all we have in our lives! For our loved ones around us! If its members and comps in this moment or family back home! We are all so blessed by the hand of the Lord and be quick to recognize that everything we have is because of him! I am so grateful to know the church of Christ and to be lead by a true prophet here on earth! I am so grateful to be representing Jesus Christ at this moment in my life!! I know this church is true and I know that its through the church of Christ where we can find true happiness!!
I love you all!!
Have a great week!!!
Love Elder Wiscomb
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