Hello Family! How are all of you doing on this wonderful Monday afternoon!! I hope that all is going just great! Here in Cruz Alta, things are gong just splendidly hahahaha… these last couple days it been the most waited holiday here in Brazil which is called Carnival!!! Ya its probably one of the most wicked holidays I have ever seen in my life… its an excuse to stay out late, drink, dance (really bad) and just walk around naked in the roads (at night)… its really bad…. So that’s what we have been having to deal with these last couple days then after Wednesday it will start to calm down a little bit and hopefully everyone will just start to focus on school and reality…. Haha..
This actually was a little different as well! Tuesday we had our Zone Conference, which was just amazing! President talked about faith and everything that has happened in the Bible and in the Book of Mormon with when people have faith!!! It was such an amazing meeting then after we talked about working with members! The day passed by fast but it was a great way to start out this transfer and I can't believe that it's already week 3 in this transfer…. The time is passing by sooooo fast!
After zone conference I went to Ijuí… it’s a city here in our zone and I stayed there for a day and a half doing a division. We did some great work those couple of days with morning dates and creating a plan for a couple to get married! It was a good time!
Then when I got back we went to work in our area but it was already Thursday…. And Carnival started… so its been a pretty hard time to work these last couple days and the icing on the cake was that Elder Neves, he has officially decided to go home…. On Saturday there was also a sister here in our zone that decided to buy here ticket to go back to São Paulo too….. so in the last 5 days we have had 2 missionaries go home which has been super sad!!!
But other then all that ruckus… it was a good week!!! Nothing to complain about hahaha the work of the Lord continues!!! I am so grateful to be missionary!!! And to work for the Lord! We are having some amazing experiences here, which is awesome!
Family I know that this letter is super, super short and might not make sense but I am out of words to say…. Anyway I love you all!! This church is true I don’t have any doubt about it!!
Love you all!!
Elder Wiscomb
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