Family! How is everyone doing? I hope that you guys are all doing just fabulous. Once again thanks so much for all the letters and pictures. I love seeing how much you guys have grown. So thanks so much!
So this week were do I even start. Let's start with the p-day with president for his last week. So we arrived at his house and we helped them get some boxes ready to leave… we have been helping them prepare the house for the new president that is going to get here on the 1st. So we did that for about a half hour and then after we headed off. “Hit the road ha”. So first off we walked into the parking lot and president throws his keys to me and he says “hey Elder Wiscomb, back my car out for me….” I sit there shocked with the keys in my hands because we are always joking about driving and stuff… I was just like president are you serious and he said ya. So I drove his car hahaha and I didn’t even know what to do it was sooo weird.
So that is how the best p-day of the mission started… after we were off and cruising up the mountains of Santa Maria again… to be honest I didn’t know where we were going and we were driving and talking for about an hour and a half, up and down mountains, in some of the most beautiful scenery that I have seen… we arrive in a little Italian colony, just starving, (us the assistance and secretaries) just wondering where we were going to eat and we go to some super, super nice restaurant… it was truly like the first real sitting that felt like home… President and Sister Myrrha on one side with their daughter Natália, and us 4 on the other side.. Just sitting their talking and talking and eating and eating… it was so amazing, kind of sad though, just thinking that it was the last time we would prob have that opportunity… sitting with my best friend on my side (Elder Burnham the AP) with 2 really, really good Brazilian friends, sitting across a table, at a super nice restaurant from our president and his wife. It’s not an opportunity that most missionaries have a chance to have… I feel like the Lord has blessed me all too much with these experiences that I have had on the mission, and the relationships that I have been able to gain with my president, and his wife.
Other than that, we continued to drive and visit other places. Took pictures at the famous old people statue, and I even gained a hug from sister Myrrha hahaha. Something that was shocking but nice ha.
The p-day was amazing, but I think that they were preparing us and thanking us in advance for this week that is about to come “the mission tour”, the Farewell for the Myrrha's…. This week has by far been some of the most stressful weeks on the mission… I think we left the office one time before 8 o’clock at night, and most of the nights we were there until about 10 with the AP’s preparing everything for president… ya it was super, super difficult and thank goodness that its over.
So, because of that, we haven’t had the opportunity to teach much this week…. One thing we did change is now we are having lunches with members again! Which is nice I was feeling much loss of contact with them. So that’s nice, but with our investigators we didn’t have much contact this week which really kills this area… usually there are 4 people in this area but president only put me and Muller in the area this transfer… which makes it difficult to keep it going.
But yesterday we had the mission tour, which went very well. All the preparation paid off. Is was a sad and spiritual day for many. I knew that I would see them I think the day they leave but for the others it was difficult. It’s so amazing to see the impact that two people can have on the lives of these young missionaries.
Many Brazilians come from families that aren’t members, so President and Sister Myrrha were told so many times that they were like their true parents inside the Church. It’s so touching to see the love and the respect on both sides. Our mission with the Myrrha's has turned into one huge family, which has helped the mission grow.
Today we are planning to go to a buffet for Elder Muller's birthday with the AP's and then who knows what we will do next... I think we might go to the president’s house, and see all those missionaries that returned to say goodbye to president. There was about 20 missionaries that came back, so it’s been fun to see and to get to know everyone!
Family I love you guys so much! You guys sound like you are all amazing. Always remember that it’s through the love and the blessings of our Heavenly Father that we are able to recognize the purpose of our life here on Earth! I am so grateful to know, live, teach, and share the truth, which was restored through Joseph Smith with the people of Santa Maria at this stage in my mission and in my life! Nothing brings more joy than this.
There is going to be a lot to report next week with the switch in presidents, maybe a little change in the process of how the mission is going to run, but something that is evident is that the Gospel and teachings will never change, and ithasn’t never changed since God restored the gospel through Joseph Smith. This is another proof that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true Church here on Earth! Something that is so targeted, fought against, and a lot of times hated, would fall about or CHANGE, over time with the influence of MEN. But God is the same today, yesterday and forever, and he made promises that never again would he take away His teachings from men here on Earth! God will not allow the truth to be destroyed, destroyed and changed again! It’s too precious for the salvation of man.
I love you all so much! Stay strong and always remember that God lives!
Elder Wiscomb