Week 42, May 29, 2010
Hello family! How are all of you doing on this amazing Saturday afternoon, well Saturday morning there. First of all thanks so much for all of your letters! You guys all sound so great and happy! I hope that you guys had a great time celebrating all the birthdays these last couple days and I know dads is coming up! What a fun year!!
So to start off this week, I can't believe all you guys, here I am, in the office, just getting boxes after boxes of candy and stuff! Everyone here just loves it hahaha! Because of course they are getting so much of it too ha-ha. But seriously you guy’s thanks so much for sending me these stuff for my birthday! You guys are all too nice! Here it should be fun because my birthday is on the day of transfers so EVERYONE is going to be spending the night at my house so it should be a fun party!! My Brazilian comp, Elder Mulluer, and I are planning on making cake for everyone ha….
So ya this week! I really can't believe that this week is over… zone conferences are over for president and sister Myrrha and I can't believe it, neither can they… it was the last thing for them to prepare is the mission tour and then its over… they are already moving out of their house… they have to be out on the 3 of June to start preparing it for the new president… but this last zone conference was one of the best that I have had here one the mission!
This zone conference sister Myrrha, being the amazing teacher that she is, took us deep into the plan of salvation! It was amazing! Something we talked about, that I haven’t ever thought about, and a lot of my questions were answered! Besides the amazing training by sister Myrrha, president is really focusing on helping us decide, “What type of missionaries we are wanting to be”. He really wants us to enjoy and make the best out of these two years so we studied the story of Ammon pretty deeply which was amazing too and we focused on contacts, door and street…
It was super funny because some Elders were asked to show how they do contacts. They were good, actually amazing, but president just said to shorten it be brief and precise. So we kept on trying. Finally president just got off the stand walked down and said watch, this is what I want every single one of you guys to do for now… “Oi tudo bem, nos somos representantes de Jesus cristo podemos entrar.” hi how are you, we are representatives of Jesus Christ can we come in? Everyone was like wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Something I have learned these past couple weeks is you don’t need to be wordy. Uses phrases with meaning and power. That phrase “representatives of cristo.” There isn’t anything more powerful than that and it's sooo true!! So that is what we use now and let me tell ya, it works better than any other thing that you could throw at the people to get them to listen to you…. It’s amazing!!
Other than that, I had my last interview with president too… which was amazing! I really love him so much he is such a great guy and I will miss him a lot here but he said that we (the office staff) are going to one more P-DAY zão with them!!! So I'm kind of excited for that!!!
Other than that, we have been really busy in the office getting ready for transfers… next week we are going to know what’s going to happy and what not… so we are preparing, it's been crazy, president already said that it is going to be a HUGE transfer so that when the new pres comes he is going to be able to make little changes when he arrives. But that means a lot of work for us!!! But other than that of course, we are continuing to teach some really good families! The women that broke her foot is doing really well! She is being surrounded by the love of the sisters in this branch is amazing!! This branch is so strong!!! The baptisms for this family should be next week! They are going to be getting married on Saturday and then right after we are going to have their baptism, which will be another strong family in the branch… And we are finding more and more people to find every day!!! It truly is amazing how when you are doing what is right and keeping the rules, how God literally puts people in your path! This work is all based on obedience it’s amazing!!!
But other than that, nothing much is going on!!! I saw the pics of the back yard and wow! It turned out really, really good! I like it a lot!
Everyone we have a birthday this week!!!! The old man hahahaha! He’s getting so old! You guys are going to need to be a little bit more soft with him I think that he is getting a little fragile!!! But I love ya pops and happy birthday!!!!
So once again!! Family I love you guys so much! You guys are such a huge part of my life! The teaching of the plan of salving in conference made me really realize how happy I am to have you guys in my life! We will be together forever! There is no doubt in my mind! Everything about God and Jesus Christ is Eternal! They are the same yesterday, today and forever… that whole phrase “till death do us part” doesn’t make any sense at all…. I hate that phrase to be honest… through the power of sealing by his holy authority of God, which is found in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, God has made it possible for every one of his children here on earth, to find that sole mate and be with your loved ones for eternity! It's one of the greatest blessings that have been given to us! I'm so grateful to understand that! I love you all so much with all my heart and always remember that!
Big hug and kiss for everyone!!! And you guys have a great week ok!!! Love you all!!
Elder Wiscomb
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