Hello family!! How is everyone doing? I hope that you guys all had another great week! Wow how time is flying huh… it feels like yesterday I was writing you I can't believe that one more week has gone by… and to be honest I don’t even know where to start… like what to say…
So first off I got some great letters this week from Katie, molly, and mom and dad with some awesome pictures of you guys! Thanks so much! You guys looked like you had such a fun time on the trip and you guys all looked so great! And pretty! Everyone always says that "you girls are all sooo pretty" and "gosh your mom is so young" ha-ha and "wow, you look just like your dad", and then there is the "oh my goodness that guy is huge" huh (Dave)…. Ya everyone here loves you guys! So thanks so much for those wonderful cards!!
As for Santa Maria in general it got super, super cold this last week and I guess it’s going to stay that way! And when I say cold it’s really cold like so cold the water in the showers doesn’t get warm anymore! So taking showers now is prob the worst thing in the world ha-ha! So something funny I was saving the things that you guys wrapped up in the boxes because I wanted to open something up on my birthdayhahahahaha but I was just freezing in my room and I'm like whatever lets just open them and what do you know…GLOVES… AWWW JUST WHAT I NEEDED!! Funny huh so thanks so much! And for the Girl Scout cookies awe they are the best!!! I have been craving those! Especially the ones in the purple box!!! Ha-ha
So this week we have done some good work! We have been finding more people but our focus this week was on Rodimar and Patricia… today they got married!!!!!!! I am so happy for them awe and then tonight they are going to get baptized at 6:30!!! We got the members to do like a little wedding reunion and stuff so it should be a good day! A really, really special day for them, and I'm so happy and feel so blessed that I get to be a part of it!
Other than those people, it seems like we are finding a lot of families, but each one of theses families, their parents have to get married… so it makes it a little bit more difficult but that’s ok! I truly am just loving the work in the field in this area!
So other than that, this week has been super crazy in the office…. There have been some scares… on the side of the secretary’s hahaha. Somethings that we did that were wrong…. For those who know sisterMyrrha, she likes things done her way… we had to reveal about 180 photos for one of her projects and we did but I guess she told us a certain size and we did them in a different and she got super, super mad… so that wasn’t good but the project is going ok… she just will have to change a little…. Because it cost about 190 dollars to reveal them all… ha-ha and then we are getting 6 new missionaries this next week… and for 5 of them we didn’t know that we were getting them. They were not in the system or anything and usually we get their information way early, so I had to figure that out which was a pain in the butt… but its all figured out know so that’s nice.
ALSO WE FOUND OUT TRANSFERS YESTERDAY…. And it's just going to be me and Elder Mueller in the office now… and gosh that just means soooooooooo much work I can’t even imagine! It’s going to just make my job double the work; I'm going to have to plan my days very, very well…. But that’s ok!
Well that is a little bit of what’s gong on… I just realized that I haven’t told you anything about our house… some of the “perks” of living here!!!!!!!! We are the only houses in the mission that has aDRYER!!!!!! AND LET ME TELL YOU ITS SOOO NICE!!! I have been talking with everyone and they say because its so cold and humid it takes like 5 days to dry your cloths and where we are, ha-ha ours leave all nice and hot!!!!!!! (Mom remember when you used to throw the hot close on me when I was lying on your bed in the winter when I was freezing hahahaha sometimes I do that hahaha it makes me think of you!!!!) So that is a HUGE plus about living in the big house…. Other then that I have the biggest and nicest desk in the mission to study… that’s nice.. I'll take some pics… it’s a good house… so that’s nice!! And it has a fireplace ahh that will be nice too!!! It used to be the house of the president! Maybe next week will show you it if I remember…
I want you all to know that this Church is true! The Lord has literally shown me, through the experiences that I have had on the mission! Through my work, I have been able to see the light and the difference that comes through the understanding and the accepting of the restored Gospel! I want you guys all to know that that young women we baptized just 2 weeks ago, she decided that she was ready to go to the temple with all the members and do baptisms. So she paid her way and went on the bus this last week, she sent us a text at 12 at night (when she got back) saying: “elders just got home from the best experience in my life! The temple was everything that you guys told more and me! There is no doubt in my mind that God lives there! Thanks for showing me the way to Him!” she was willing and open to accept the gospel and as a result, God gave it to her! This result is there waiting for anyone and everyone!! Our Heavenly Father is just waiting eagerly to give it to you, but sometimes its too hard to hear or feel because the distractions of this filthy world!!! All of you, look for God, he is always there waiting for you! Don’t wait!
So fam!!! Everything here is just amazing! Thanks for everything that you guys have done for me!! For the letters the surprises (boxes) your letters!! It means so much to me! I love you all with all my heart and you guys have a great lunch today ok and a fabulous week. Love you all!
Elder Wiscomb!
Just think about it, next email I will be out of the teen’s ha-ha! Love you all!
1 Corinthians 13:7

Rodimar and Patricia getting married

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