Week 45 June 19, 2010
Hello family how is everyone doing today! I how that all is well and thanks so much for all your letters. You guys all sound amazing and happy, thanks so much!
So before I start. I have notice that use a lot of “!” in my writing, I'm going to try and stop doing this because it's annoying me, just so you know, but I really am happy hahahah. I think I just do that because I’m so excited to tell you about the week ha.
So this week what can I say, it was transfers and I’m so happy its over. It was fun seeing everyone in our house, ya it’s a mess, but it was a fun couple days… Sunday, Monday ,and Tuesday night all together I got prob about 4 hours of sleep, not because we were braking the rules, because we weren’t, I was in my bed, but we had about 70 people downstairs pretty much yelling because they were so excited to go home. So it was a fun and rough couple day.
And now its just me and Elder Muller in the office… the other secretary that left, left me in a little pickle… he didn’t do soooo much stuff that he said he did, so I have been spending the last couple days trying to figure out what tickets he bought, where they were, where are the fichas batismais, and a bunch of other stuff and its been really difficult a lot of work. I've gotten a little taste of how this transfer is going to go and it’s going to be amazing! Just a lot of work. which is good.
So to end the 3 years in the mission field for president sister Myrrha and to celebrate sister Myrrha birthday and mine also, today we are going to take a little trip today! After this, we are going to go to this famous village here that was established by the colonist that came here, it’s suppose to be super amazing. I’m excited to see how it is. We are going to take a bunch of pictures and eat lunch with them! So that should be fun, I’m really excited. But its raining today so who knows maybe we will just stay in their house. But other than that, this week was just one fast week. And next week is going to fly by just even faster because we have the mission tour… where 3 zones are coming here to Santa Maria. It’s kind of like a farewell for the Myrrha's. I’m really excited!
So my birthday last Saturday, it was such an amazing day, probably one of the most amazing birthdays that I have had in my life. As you guys know, we didn’t have to clean our house, that that was a good start. Then we used the Internet and I got so many wonderful emails from you guys. And then we went back to our house and the assistance came over to our house and we all made big old burgers and stuff. So that was good. Then it was time to work! My birthday wasn’t the best because we ate burgers, or we had the AP's over but it was because of our nice lesson. It was one of the most spiritual lessons that I have taught up to this point in my mission!
Our night appt. was with Saubrina who is that 23 year old women that we baptized and she has already gone to the temple and she is just so strong in the church its unbelievable. But this night was a little different. Ya the night consisted of dinner and a little present (gloves because my hands are still super freezing ha), but it also consisted of teaching her mom and little sister. Saubrina bussed in her mom and little sister because she wanted them to hear the messages that we have, the message that changed her life!
So here we are teaching them, first of all her little sister looked EXACTLY like Molly, it about killed me, I entered the room and my little eyes filled up with water because I thought it was her… but that’s not the best part still ha. We decided to teach them the restoration (ctm style), which we don’t do much here in our mission. We taught them and they understood soo great, we passed the little film of the restoration and they loved it. Everything was just going great and the spirit was unbelievably strong in the lesson. And then we asked Saubrina to bare her testimony. She started to bare her testimony and this is why my day was amazing.
I want you guys to just image a 23 year old girl talking with such power and love to her mom and sister, about something she is so sure of being true. It was as if she was pouring her heart to them, putting everything on the table so that her mom and her sister would have the big amazing change in their lives exactly how she did! After she boar her testimony it was silent for about 30 seconds. We let the silence continue because that is when the spirit can work and it did. After a little bit the mom just started to brake down in tears along with her youngest daughter, which soon after resulted in a big family hug with those three. The mom a little later said to us, “you guys don’t understand the change that I have seen in Saubrina, she is a totally different person person. She’s not so moody, I haven’t ever seen her be so sure about something, and there is always a bright light that is surrounding her. The last time I was here in her house it seemed so dark and now it’s the opposite.”
The mom ended up saying that the gospel, that she had only known for about 1 hour had to be true because of the feelings she got during the lesson and the change that she has seen in her daughter. The mom and the little girl went to church with the next day with Saubrina and it was so cool to see how happy all three of them were sitting together in sacrament and the classes.
Well that was the experience of the week. One more time an amazing one. Family I love you guys so much. Thanks for everything that you guys have done for me in my life. You guys are always there for me, and I appreciate it with all my heart. For those of you who are still traveling have fun and get home safe.
Love you all so much and have an amazing week.
Your son, brother, and friend
Elder Wiscomb
D and C 88:78
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