Family!! How is everyone doing today! Quickly I just want to say thanks for everyone sending me your birthday wishes and cards/emails! You all have made this birthday on the mission so much fun! So today! What a day ha. The day where I go in to the 20´s ha-ha I have officially left the teens how crazy is that. And in one more year I'm going to be totally legal... how crazy is that… well just so you all know, don’t you guys worry, I still feel like a little boy… ha-ha. Also today in Brazil is called "o dia dos namorados"… which is like the day for the couples… it would be like Valentines day ,but its HUGE so that’s pretty fun ha-ha.
So this week! Its been super fast but really, really busy. It's transfer’s week. And like I said, last week the president changes practically everything in the mission! Which means so much more work for us. At times I feel like I haven’t even had time to breath. And the work in the field hasn’t been going as great as I hoped it would. Just because this week we have very little time to work. This week and next week (I hear) that are going to be like this then it usually slows down but because it’s the last 18 days of president, I’m worried it's not going to ever settle down…. But that’s the work huh…
Tomorrow and the next night we should have about 80 elders at our house… ya it’s going to be crazy! It should be fun but they always leave our house a disaster… so it’s kind of a bitter-sweet thing. But it's fun to see everyone!
It sounds like mom, dad, molly, Katie, and Elissa are having a great trip and hope that you guys are learning a lot and soaking it all in! It’s such a great opportunity to learn about our country! And be safe ok!!!!
But now I want to talk about the baptism of the family we had last Saturday! It was such an amazing night. Our president and the members made it such a special and memorable night for Rodimoar and Partrica! They bought a big old wedding cake and Muitas Pessoas brought a little gift for them! They really loved the baptism and can feel a huge difference in their life, being members of the Church and having the gift of the holy ghost with them at all times! It's amazing to see the light that comes through knowing these things… there is a scripture in John 8: 31-31 that talks about those who hear and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ will become his disciples and they will know the truth and the truth will free them! I love that last part! The truth will free them could me so many things… I like to think that the truth free's everyone’s from the wickedness the temptations and the filthiness of the mortal world! But look, it free's us, but it doesn’t save us! Knowing the truth free's us and gives us the understanding and the knowledge of what we have to do in this life to be saves… knowing the truth gives the opportunity to know and recognize the blessings and the happiness that comes through the gospel and following His holy and sacred commandments!
Let us all look for the truth! Let us all be free from horror and torment and wickedness of this mortal world and let us all become disciples of the one who loves us all!! That is the purpose of our life here on earth! To escape the bands of mortality and gain the knowledge and eternal vision, of the possibility of returning and living once again with our Father in Heaven!
I challenge all who read this to read the Book of Mormon! For as the prophets said is the most correct book that exists here on the face of the Earth! And if you don’t believe in the Book of Mormon, read to Bible… because in the Bible we have signs, we have the perfect example of the life of Christ that was left behind in words, given through the prophets of old! Gain the knowledge of how Christ established the Church of God! How after He created His church there would be a great apostasy, where because of the wickedness of the world, God took away His church and His authority in all! God had other “sheep” during the time of the when the Bible was written. And if you really, really believe in the Bible, and understand it, you will know that it was absolutely necessary that God had to RESTORE His gospel, the only true gospel that consist of a living prophet, 12 apostles and His authority to the Earth, and that is exactly what He did through the boy prophet, Joseph Smith!
I testify to you that God, one more time, has giving us His teachings, His gospel, His authority and has organized His church one more time here on Earth that is known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! Look to know that these things are true!! It's all too visible it’s literally written in front of us! Seek to know these things, seek to gain the knowledge and to know the truth to become true Disciples of Christ!
The gospel changes lives! I’m so happy to be celebrating my birthday here on the mission! Although it a little different I couldn’t want to be anywhere else!! I love this work and I know that the gospel is true!!! Thanks so much for all your birthday wishes and I hope that you all have such a great week ok!!
I love you all so much! Big hug and kiss for everyone!
Elder Wiscomb

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