Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Week 97, June 13, 2011

Hello Family! How is everyone doing on this fabulous June afternoon! Everyone’s out of school and has headed off for the summer trips, how fun it must be…. It actually seems like instead of going to the beach and stuff, everyone is still heading up the mountains to hit the slopes hahaha…. Here in Brazil is quite the contrary.. here it's not warm and it's not snowing but its freezing and raining ha… these last couple days though there has been some amazing temperature which has been a blessing for the work!

So first off ya it was my birthday and I am officially 21.. everyone has wanted to know how my day was yesterday and what did I do and if I did something special and stuff and to be honest it was one more amazing day of work here In the mission field! To be honest I didn’t tell anyone that it was going to be my birthday… I just wanted it to be one more normal day of work… so no one knew about it… hahaha… but that’s how I liked it! Then I actually got a call from a women in Cruz Alta that is named Terezinha that wished me a happy birthday which was amazing and Elder Felipe hahaha called me up and we talked for a little bit before church yesterday morning but besides that it was a normal day! We worked hard then I got the best present of them all… around 9:15 last night I got a call from President Ribeiro.. when I saw is call I was thinking, great, he is going to tell me some news about transfers this next week and what’s going to go on but no… it was nothing like that… it was President and Sister Ribeiro Singing Happy Birthday in English hahahahaha!! And I talked with them a little bit! It a small act of kindness that made my day! It’s through little things, which bring great Joy! So that was my birthday in the mission!

This week has been so amazing! We have had some amazing experiences, some I will never forget! We continue to teach this amazing family of Ana and Dioberto and we had an amazing lesson of the second part of the Plan of Salvation! It was such an amazing and spiritual experience where the spirit of the Lord was able to testify to them that this is the truth! One more time, I think I haven’t ever seen a family that has understood perfectly the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There is no doubt in my mind that this family was waiting to just be told about this truthfulness!

When we finished talking about the Celestial Kingdom and how families are given so they can be eternal through the gospel of Jesus Christ, we sang the hymn “families can be together forever” and the mom and dad were crying! What an amazing experience! After that message we left with them, we went back another day and the mom Ana said that for her there is “no turning back know” that she knows its true and that the dad Dioberto has said that he is “actually praying” and that he is feeling the difference in his heart! He is a federal policeman and the other night he was working the night shift and he said that during the night he stopped and prayed which is something that he never did and this comfort of the Lord came over him! He thanked us for helping him restore this relationship with His Father in Heaven and, furthered on saying that he is starting to see what the truthfulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ can do to the lives of those who fallow!

We actually passed by the church the other day real fast and I looked in the gym and out of the side of my eye I thought I saw Escarlette (the daughter of ana and Dioberto) in the gym but I thought.. it couldn't be, so I just kept talking with others then I looked again and sure enough it was her… helping with the banners and the stuff for a dance that the church will do!! How cool is that they are already helping in the church!! Ahh soo amazing!

We are also working with another family that is super special! Their names are Roseane, her daughter Cinde, her husband Zilmar and their children! They are one more family that the Lord led us too! A couple weeks ago we were walking down the street super fast to get to an appointment because we were late… I will never forget the felling that I felt when I passed by that house it was something unexplainable that we started to talk after we left that road and were about 1 block away from their house that we went back…. I can say that we arrived at that family in the time that the Lord wanted! This is a family that has passed through many challenges and they really need the light of Christ In their lives! We have been passing by there 2 times a week and we have been teaching and having these amazing experiences with this family!

The other day we taught the restoration then another day and after I sang the hymn "what a marvelous morning" I shared the first vision of Joseph Smith when he saw God the Father and Jesus Christ. Something that I have learned so much in the mission is how to let the spirit work! It’s been amazing to feel the spirit come…. And go….. but it this moment the spirit had filled to room so much that me and elder Black practically couldn’t say anything… it was as if the Lord wasn’t allowing us… as Roseane was sitting there with her eyes closed she starts to cry and she started to spill her heart out to us about how the visits have changed their lives.. how there seems to have so much light in the house, much more understanding between the members of the family, and how she knew without a doubt we had been sent from God! She said that everything we had said in our some 6 or 7 visits were exactly what she had been waiting to hear! We asked her to pray and to visit the church and she said that his weeks she wasn’t able to go because it was a holiday but that she would pray… this was Wednesday…

We went back there a different day and she wasn’t there, which was super sad…. But another day some plans had fallen and we decided that we needed to pass by her house to see how she was doing. So we passed by, and right when she excepted us in here house we didn’t even start the little “small talk” ha-ha she just started to say that she had said the prayer and that she had received an answer… a feeling that she didn’t even know how to describe!!!!! I just wanted to stand up and start jumping up and down because this is what happens to one who asks with an open heart and really wants to know if this Gospel is true!!!! she continued to say that this feeling that she had made her feel that she HAS to go and visit the church and she said that she believes that this will be the golden key that will “tie it all up” or in other words, that she will know that it is true when she goes there!!

What it is to have the Lord on our side showing and testifying of the truthfulness of all things! I have become to relay on the spirit and to depend on Him in the teachings and it’s amazing how I have literally been able to learn to feel the difference of a message taught by the spirit of God to one that is not..... it’s a battle every day to strive for Him in this work and it’s the most gratifying thing in the world! I pray every day that all those who read these emails (because I dint know what my parents are doing with this) or those that have the opportunity to hear the truth being passed or taught by the servants of the Lord here on earth that all can feel this same spirit and love of God that I have come to depend upon! Anyone can feel this way, anyone can receive a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and anyone can feel the presence of the Lord and His love through this divine Gospel of Jesus Christ which has been restored!

I love you all!!!! Have a great week!!!

Love Elder Wiscomb

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